This project aims to provide an XML Stylesheet with an open license to transform an Italian electronic invoice into a decent HTML file.
I'm using the xsl file provided by Agenzia delle entrate as a starting point.
I'm publishing this in case someone finds it useful.
I created this repository for my own needs, giving priority to the features I use.
Due to this the present version of the file does not have support for all the sections that can be present in fattura elettronica.
For example I'm ignoring the DDT, Vehicles, contracts etc. sections and the payments section actually only supports the fields for basic bank money order (bonifico) payments.
This project is using Tailwindcss to generate the CSS file. The generated CSS is embedded in the template using Grunt.
To generate the final stl file run:
npm install
npm run build
The generated HTML includes a logo.png image from the same directory it is in.
The image should be 96x96 pixel, other sizes will be scaled.
The file included in this repository is a simple placeholder I generated using GIMP.