v2.71 (16 March 2023)
Feature 🆕
Filter GST accounts on the sync page based on the last sync date.
Sometime you only want to Sync Clients based on the date when they were last synced.
Now you can filter those clients and then start Sync Process. This helps in saving on the Sync Credits.
GST Module 🆕
- The GST Portal Account list now allows filtering of accounts based on state code
- Task Number Filters are available on the Proceeding List page.
IT Module 🆕
- Task numbers can now be assigned to IT Filed Forms
This is helpful if you are using Jamku OMS
Bug Fixes 🪲🐛
- The Grievance List has been fixed, and the issue with the resolution date display has been resolved.
- The issue with the Account update name field has been fixed. Previously, it displayed 'portalUserName' instead of the actual name, but this has now been corrected.