A ready-to-use Flutter project for Android and iOS.
This package is opinionated. Therefore, main packages will not change (go_router
, riverpod
, lint
, etc.), unless they become deprecated, obsolete, or there is an obviously better alternative. If you prefer to use other packages, feel free to modify the code, either locally to fit your needs of by forking this repository.
For more details, please see the wiki.
- Folders and files structure
- Settings page (settings_ui) with app version
- Adaptive bottom and top navigation
- Routing (go_router)
- State management (riverpod)
- Models (freezed and json_serializable)
- Asset enum to quickly access asset files
- Preferences utils (shared_preferences)
- Package info utils (package_info_plus)
- Platform utils (Platform, kIsWeb and defaultTargetPlatform)
- Localization with locale utils (i18n)
- Dynamic system, light and dark themes with themes utils (dynamic_color)
- Constants stored in enumerations (sizes, paddings, radiuses and separators)
- Splash screen (flutter_native_splash)
- Launcher icons (icons_launcher)
- Production-ready linting (lint)
- Add instructions on how to change the name of the app and other information