Solution for a challenge from
Introduce your projects by taking a screenshot or a gif. Try to tell visitors a story about your project by answering:
- The project demo can be accessed here
This application/site was created as a submission to a DevChallenges challenge. The challenge was to build an application to complete the given user stories:
- User story: I can see a list of photos in the masonry layout that I have added
- User story: I can add a new photo to the list - the new photo should be on top of the list
- User story: I can search for photos by label
- User story: When I hover a photo, I can see a label and a delete button
- User story: I can delete images
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Install dependencies
$ cd Backend
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
#Create a .env file with your MONGO_URI
# Run the backend app
$ npm run dev
# Move to Frontend
$ cd ..
$ cd Frontend
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
#Create a .env file with your VITE_SERVER_ADDRESS(for local development)
# Run the frontend app
$ npm start
- GitHub @mafzaldev
- Twitter @mafzaldev