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Another Docker and Docker Compose based environment for Magento developers created by Magently Developers

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Magento Developer Environment

A development environment for Magento on Docker and Docker Compose, that is simple by default, yet still feature-rich.


  • Wide range of supported PHP versions (5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4),

  • pre-built images, as well as customizable source code,

  • using NGINX + FastCGI,

  • MySQL storage using internal Docker volume, as well as user directory,

  • support for non-standard HTTP ports,

  • well-integrated with Composer,

  • support for legacy Magento,

  • built-in XDebug extension,

  • optional proxying through third-party services,

  • PHP's mail function to use any SMTP server,

  • built-in NodeJS for assets compilation,

  • easy setup using .env file,

  • third-party services examples,

    • PHPMyAdmin,
    • Varnish,
    • Redis,
    • Elasticsearch,
    • Mailcatcher,
  • flexible and highly customizable.

How does it work?

The best way to figure out how the environment with all its features work, is to examine docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.override.yml and images source files (docker/mariadb/, docker/nginx/, docker/php/). The most important thing to know is that, by default, it uses four services responsible for different tasks:

  • app container - includes PHP interpreter with extensions that Magento requires, PHP-FPM daemon for web server, tools such as Composer, NodeJS with NPM for assets building and some configurations to make custom features work,
  • web container - includes nginx web server configured for Magento,
  • db container - includes MariaDB database server with configuration to support flexible variable storage placement,
  • mailcatcher - includes... MailCatcher. Review Magento configuration to make sure it does use MC and whether some additional SMTP modules should be left enabled.

User manual

This environment mounts Magento directory within containers to make it easy to work on. It can be used either with existing installation of Magento or with a fresh directory to initialize new project.

  1. Clone this repository anywhere you want. It's good practice to use every clone of the repo for each project, as it may contain settings corresponding to a single Magento installation.

  2. Copy .env.example file as .env.

  3. Optionally, copy docker-compose.override.yml.example file as docker-compose.override.yml and uncomment or modify contents of the copy to match your needs. Warning: for Magento 2.4, Elasticsearch must be enabled, preferably using this method.

  4. Edit .env file to configure your installation. All variables that are uncommented by default are required or recommended (apart from COMPOSER_AUTH).

  5. Make sure you have existing directories for Composer and NPM cache (~/.composer/cache, ~/.npm) or point them to your custom directories in .env.

  6. Make sure your ~/.ssh directory exists.

  7. Optionally validate your configuration by executing script in the environment's root directory.

  8. If you want to use pre-built Docker images (recommended), you need to pull them from Docker Hub:

    docker-compose pull

    If you want to build images by yourself, type:

    docker-compose build
  9. Finally run the environment:

    docker-compose up

All containers that expose services do it on default ports (you can change them by using ports settings in each container's definition in docker-compose.override.yml):

Service Port
NGINX (application) 80
phpMyAdmin 8336
MailCatcher 1080

A container that hosts MySQL doesn't expose any ports by default.

Environment options


  • COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME: variable used by docker-compose. Indicates the prefix for all Docker objects like containers, images and networks. Should be unique for a given project. Interfering project names will make the environment unable to initialize,

  • UID and GID: Unix user and group identificators for new processes that may modify data in user directory. Should be the same as for the current user. You can check that using:

    id -u # for UID
    id -g # for GID
  • PHP_VERSION: self explanatory. Can be one of:

    • 5.6,
    • 7.0,
    • 7.1,
    • 7.2,
    • 7.3,
    • 7.4,
    • 8.0,
    • 8.1,
  • PHP_EXTENSIONS: a list of additional PHP extensions to be installed,

  • MAGENTO_PATH: application directory. The path should be in UNIX format, though it can be relative or absolute. The directory may contain Magento files or be empty when initializing a new project. When using default mode, the /pub subdirectory will be used as a web server document root. When using MAGENTO_1_MODE, the directory will be document root itself,

  • LOCALHOST_IP: a host IP address (127.*.*.*) to use for all services.


  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, MYSQL_DATABASE: settings for the database server. Once db container is initialized, those values should not be changed, unless you plan to reinitialize MariaDB by deleting its files,
  • MYSQL_HOST (optional): you can use different database server providing a hostname. Note that the host must be accessible from the app container,
  • MYSQL_USER_DIRECTORY (optional): if set, db container will use provided path as variable storage for MariaDB server. This should be a UNIX-formatted path, and the directory has to exist and be writable by the current user. The database server daemon process will run on specified UID and GID permissions, so generated files will have the correct ownership and group.

If you also have a container hosting phpMyAdmin, use MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASSWORD to log in.


  • COMPOSER_VERSION: version of Composer to be installed. You can set specific version, like 1.10.22, or only major version, like 2 to install the newest available. Defaults to 2,
  • COMPOSER_AUTH_FILE (optional): JSON formatted file path to be mounted inside the app container to provide authentication credentials for Composer. See more here,
  • COMPOSER_AUTH (optional): instead of providing a file path, you may want to save the credentials directly in the .env file. The value should be a valid JSON inline string.
  • COMPOSER_INSTALL_ON_BOOT (optional): when set to true, the composer install command will be automatically triggered when the app container is starting,

Mounted directories

You may want to customize some of the mounted directories - for example, you may want to use a separate Composer cache directory for single Magento project, or avoid mounting your ~/.ssh folder by providing /dev/null instead. You can change those using following variables:



By default, the app container entrypoint will try to guess how you run your environment. If host.docker.internal hostname can be resolved, it will be used.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work the same with every Docker Engine implementation, and for now, it will only work this way on MacOS. If it's not resolvable, connect_back mechanism will be used - which only works on Docker on Linux. Connection target can be customized using following vars, though:

  • XDEBUG_REMOTE_HOST (optional): target IP address of the host you're running your debugger at. This IP has to be reachable from the container. You may need to check your firewall settings if you're sure that's the correct address, but XDebug still can't connect.

  • XDEBUG_REMOTE_PORT (optional): by default it's 9000, but you can use any available port you like.

When using XDebug from container, you will also need to configure paths mapping in your debugger. Inside the container, the app root that points to MAGENTO_PATH is /app.

Proxy through

This feature enables proxying HTTP traffic to your Magento instance through a third-party service. It can be useful when there's a need to test if a custom module behaves well with full page cache (like Varnish), or you want to use a debugging or monitoring tool. The idea is to point where the HTTP traffic has to go and then, on external service, go back to the web container. Specifically, additional service has to proxy again to http://web:58080 in order to make it work.

  • PROXY_THOROUGH (optional): HTTP URL to use as a proxy. The service that it points must be reachable by the web container. If you want to use Varnish service definition from docker-compose.override.yml.example, this value can be set to http://varnish.

Sendmail SMTP

You might need to test outgoing emails, e.g. while coding a custom message template. Magento uses PHP's mail function, which then calls system command (by default it's sendmail) to send the message. The environment uses MSMTP client allowing you to use any SMTP server for the delivery.

The docker-compose.override.yml.example contains Mailcatcher service, which is very convenient, because it catches every single email, no matter where it's being sent. Some external SMTP servers like can be used as well. The configuration will be set in the container only if the SENDMAIL_SMTP_HOST is defined.

  • SENDMAIL_SMTP_HOST (optional): can be a name of docker-compose service or any external host name/IP,
  • SENDMAIL_SMTP_PORT (optional): SMTP server port number (default: 25),
  • SENDMAIL_SMTP_AUTH (optional): can be on or off (default: off),
  • SENDMAIL_SMTP_TLS (optional): can be on or off (default: off),
  • SENDMAIL_SMTP_USER (optional): SMTP username (default: user),
  • SENDMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD (optional): SMTP password (default: password),
  • SENDMAIL_SMTP_FROM (optional): default is

Interacting with containers

For common tasks like Composer package management or dealing with Magento configuration, we use CLI interface. We need to do that from within the container in order to use the proper PHP version, access the database and use the same PHP configuration as the Magento accessed through the web server.

For the sake of simplicity, we only talk to the app container.

Attaching to the app container

You can run bash session inside app container with a simple call

docker-compose exec app bash

or you can run a command directly by replacing bash with whatever command you want to execute. By default, it will always use the defined MAGENTO_PATH as a working directory. For example you can run every Magento CLI command by calling:

docker-compose exec app php bin/magento [...]

Importing MySQL database

docker-compose exec -T app mysql < /path/to/file.sql

Exporting MySQL database

docker-compose exec -T app mysqldump db-name> /path/to/file.sql

NodeJS and NPM

The app container has both node and npm commands available. Currently, it uses NodeJS v12 LTS.

# Install Node modules
docker-compose exec app npm i

# Run a Grunt task
docker-compose exec app node_modules/grunt/bin/grunt watch

Mapping ports

If you'd like to access the container's internal service port, but using a different host-bound port, the easiest way to achieve this is through additional configuration in docker-compose.override.yml. For example, to access the db container from MySQL client installed on host machine, provide this configuration (remember to always include local host IP):



Elasticsearch container exiting with error regarding vm.max-map-count

If you're experiencing errors regarding vm.max-map-count, read this to learn why you need to adjust host system's kernel configuration through, for example, such file:

# /usr/lib/sysctl.d/90-max-map-count.conf

vm.max_map_count = 262144

To reload kernel configuration without reboot, run:

sudo sysctl --system

Elasticsearch settings for ulimits

Official guide for using Elasticsearch contains sample configuration that includes setting ulimits for the container. This is in order to increase stability and performance by disabling swapping. Without these settings, the container may exit after some time - usually i takes around a minute.

There were situations, though, when not setting these limits didn't cause the container to exit and there weren't any performance issues. If you have any of them, include these limits in docker-compose.override.yml - refer to example docker-compose configuration file.


Another Docker and Docker Compose based environment for Magento developers created by Magently Developers






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