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Adobe Stock Image Integration Roadmap

Olena Tkacheva edited this page Aug 3, 2020 · 76 revisions

Phase 1 - Search and upload watermarked preview

  1. Image search GUI in Magento Admin
  2. Image Search API
  3. Integration with Media Gallery
  4. Save image attributes into DB

Phase 2 - License stock images

  1. Adobe login with IMS
  2. Image License API

Phase 3 - Replace watermarked preview with licensed image

  1. Update Media Gallery UI to display image attributes
  2. License preview image
  3. Replace preview with licensed copy in Media Storage and content pages

Phase 4 - Manage images in Media Gallery

  1. Filter images that are not used in the content
  2. Filter images used in the content space
  3. Filter images used in catalog space

Phase 5 - Optimize Adobe Stock images to use on the website and allow different level of access to the media gallery for different user roles

  1. Programmatically generate web optimized image rendition based on configuration parameters
  2. Manage ACL rules for Media Gallery

Phase 1



Phase 2

Image 8-7-19 at 1 22 PM


Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5

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