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User saves image preview

Olena Tkacheva edited this page May 7, 2019 · 4 revisions


As a Merchant I want to save stock image preview directly into Magento Media Storage to be able to insert it into website content

Business Value

no need manually download image preview locally and re-upload it into Magento Media Storage


  • Admin User is logged into Admin Panel
  • Admin User found the stock image to download preview

Acceptance Criteria

  • User saves image preview
  • User sees the image uploaded into the currently selected folder of Magento Media Gallery
  • The image is selected
  • The following image attributes associated with the stock image are saved into Magento DB:
    • id - Asset's unique identifier
    • title - Asset's title
    • creator_id - Unique identifier for the asset's creator
    • creator_name - Asset creator's name
    • creation_date - Date on which the asset was created
    • country_name
    • is_licensed - license applied
    • comp_url - URL to the watermarked version of the asset
    • comp_width - Width in pixels of the asset's complementary (unlicensed) image
    • comp_height - Height in pixels of the asset's complementary (unlicensed) image
    • category - JSON structure with information about the category assigned to the asset
      • category{id}
      • category{name}
    • keywords - List of localized keywords for the asset
    • media_type - custom Magento attribute. Value is based on stock media_type_id.
    • content-type - Mime type of the asset's content. E.g.image/jpeg
    • details_url - URL to the Adobe Stock details page for the asset. If you pass the Authorization header with the call, Adobe Stock generates an SSO jump URL.
    • premium_level_id- Asset's premium (pricing) level.
  • If Adobe Stock server is not responding, user sees timeout message
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