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User sorts the order of images in the grid

Olena Tkacheva edited this page May 8, 2019 · 2 revisions


As a Merchant I want to sort stock images returned in search result to change the order they displayed on the page and get more relevant images on top

Business Value

ability to control the order of images displayed


  • Admin User is logged into Admin Panel
  • Admin User sees stock images

Acceptance Criteria

  • User sees images by Relevance by default. It sorts images by how closely they match search request, closest matches first.
  • User sees other options sorting available:
    • Most recent (creation) - Creation date in descending order (newest first).
    • Popularity (popularity) - In descending order by the number of views by all users.
    • Downloads (nb_downloads) - In descending order by the number of downloads by all users since the asset was added to Adobe Stock.
    • Undiscovered (undiscovered) - Starting with assets that have not commonly been viewed or downloaded.
  • User updates the selection
  • User sees the order of the images updated on the page
  • User sees that the selection is retained any time they come back to the page
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