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User searches stock images by keywords

Olena Tkacheva edited this page May 7, 2019 · 3 revisions


As a Merchant I want to search stock images by keywords inside Magento Admin Panel.

Business Value

no need to switch between systems (Stock and Magento) to find relevant stock images


Admin User is logged into Admin Panel Admin User accessed stock images inside Media Gallery

Acceptance Criteria

  • User inserts search phrase, confirms the input and sees images updated with the search result
  • If search returns no images matching search phrase, user sees the message
  • User sees total number of images matching search criteria and number of images on the page
  • User sees up to 32 images on the page
  • User can use pagination to get to next/previous page
  • If Adobe Stock server is not responding, user sees timeout message Search started Search started

Search results Search results

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