This is a (still not entirely finished) MERN e-commerce website (a 'clothes store'). Besides React, Node, Express and MongoDB, I have also used, so far, the following technnologies: MongoDB Atlas for storing the database on the cloud, Stripe API for mock payments, the Mongoose library for connecting Node and Mongo, React Bootstrap for a basic design, and for deployment.
As I've said, it's still a work in progress, but already contains the following features:
a homepage with a carousel showing some of the products;
a full navbar, including dropdown menus and a search bar
registration/login/logout functions that generate and update a Token for the logged-in user
a mock payment method that uses Stripe and is capable of idenfiying credit cards
different categories for users, such as Administrator and Client, and hidden routes for the administrator
CRUD functions that allow the Administrators to:
- Create, edit, delete posts
- Create, edit, delete products
- Edit and delete users
- And allows users to:
- Register themselves, edit their profiles
- Post reviews on the pages of products
Search functions that allow the user to:
- Search products by name
- Filter them by categories
Among some other minor things (product images, user profile descriptions, etc.).
As of June 27, some future improvements I intend do in the following days/weeks include:
- Adding more comments
- Improving the design by making it more responsive, as well as more visually pleasing (as of now, it's rather ugly, for I have been focusing on other things)