SGP4 C++ code from:
- Vallado, D. A., Crawford, P., Hujsak, R., & Kelso, T. S. (2006). Revisiting Spacetrack Report #3: Rev 2. In AAS/AIAA Astrodynamic Specialist Conference.
The original source code is available at
There is no version number available, but the latest documented revision is on the September, 15, 2015. File timestamps indicate modifications up to March, 9, 2016. For both dates SGP4.h has been referenced. Hence it is dubbed:
- Version 150915/160309 (SGP4.h/SGP4.h)
Note that this code is the first release after a major revision, switching to Visual Studio C++ from Borland C++ and makes use of namespaces to prevent collisions. In similar vain the previous old release is dubbed 111230/130806 (sgp4unit.h/asttime.cpp).
The aim of the project is to keep the code as close to the original as possible. Only compile errors are fixed, to make it compatible across different platforms and compilers. This means that most of the included test applications will fail at runtime due to hardcoded paths and other issues. In this same spirit a CMakeLists.txt has been provided.