I have exposed an API - “exchangerateapi” and built an API that fetches data from bin records and forwards required data to exchangerateapi to fetch the current exchange rate of their country.
Functionality: A bin number that API takes as an input and the API responses with current exchange rate along with particular data
Technologies: Java, Spring Boot
Spring Boot App
Changes path code: (Somehow I got errors while puting relative paths in code)
In path /springBoot-appp/src/main/java/com/springBootApp/HashCSV/HashCSV.java update the file path on line 11 with file path of out4.csv
In path /springBoot-app/src/main/java/com/springBootApp/CSV/ReadDataFromCSV.java update the file path on line 17 with file path of latest.csv
In path /springBoot-app/src/main/java/com/springBootApp/CSV/ReadDataFromCSV.java update the file path on line 54 and 57 with file path of output.json