Crawler-based search engine that contains the main modules of a search engine (crawler, indexer, and ranker)
with features like image search, voice recognition and personalized search
written in java
The database is created using MySQL with
The database of the search engine server has the following tables
table name |
tb1_urls |
tb2_words |
tb3_links |
tb4_images |
tb5_queries |
tb6_user_urls |
The first table is used to store information about each URL, and has the following schema
column | type |
_id | int primary key auto_increment |
url | varchar(256) |
content | meduimtext |
title | varchar(512) |
carwled_at | datetime |
indexed | tinyint |
page_rank | double |
date_score | double |
geographic_score | double |
The second table is used to store the keywords in each URL with word score
The score of the word is the (sum (each HTML-tag score * number of occurrences of this tag) ) / number of total words
The table has the following schema
column | type |
_id | int primary key auto_increment |
word | varchar(100) |
url | varchar(256) foreign key |
score | double |
The third table is used to store links between URLs to use it in
It has the following schema
column | type |
_id | int primary key auto_increment |
src_url | varchar(256) foreign key |
dst_url | varchar(256) foreign key |
The fourth table is used to store image links in each URL, and has the following schema
column | type |
_id | int primary key auto_increment |
url | varchar(256) foreign key |
image | varchar(512) foreign key |
The fifth table is used to store users' queries that is used to make suggestions when a user enter some text in search bar
column | type |
_id | int primary key auto_increment |
query | text unique |
The sixth table is used to store the URLs that the user has clicked on and its frequency,
to favor its base-link in Personalized search feature (assuming one user)
column | type |
_id | int primary key auto_increment |
url | varchar(256) unique |
freq | int |
It has some URLs in its seed, it does the following steps
- add the URLs from the seed in the queue with other un-crawled URLs fetched from the database
- fetch URL from the queue
- parse its content and get other URLs in it
- add the source and destination URLs in
- add the destination URL to the queue
- add the link between source and destination URLs in
It does the following steps
- fetch un-indexed URL from the database
- parse the document and put its content in
to be used in phrase search, and store other URL-related information - remove stopping words form the document, apply stemming on them and calculate their score, then store them in
- store image links in
It does the following steps
- check if the query has double quotes that surrounds it, if so, it does phrase search, otherwise it does normal search
- the words in the query are split, the stopping words are removed, and stemming is applied
- the database is queried to get the results and rank the URLs according to sum(score * IDF) where score is the word score calculated in the ranker, and IDF is the inverse document frequency
- The content of the returned URLs is searched for any word that match the original query, and the content is clipped to start with that word, limited by 200 character
- The result of the 10 returned URLs is sorted by clicking frequency of base-URL