First 42 School Project. Creating your own library.
Makefile is a tool used for compiling and installing a program or project. This file contains a set of rules that specify the source files, compiler options, and target files, making it easier to install the project or program.
- ft_isalpha - checks if a character is alphabetic
- ft_isdigit - checks if a character is a digit
- ft_isalnum - checks if a character is alphanumeric
- ft_isascii - checks if a character is an ASCII character
- ft_isprint - checks if a character is printable
- ft_strlen - calculates the length of a string
- ft_memset - fills memory with a constant byte
- ft_bzero - sets a byte string to zero
- ft_memcpy - copies memory area
- ft_memmove - copies memory area
- ft_strlcpy - copies a string up to a certain size
- ft_strlcat - concatenates two strings up to a certain size
- ft_toupper - converts a character to uppercase
- ft_tolower - converts a character to lowercase
- ft_strchr - locates a character in a string
- ft_strrchr - locates a character in a string
- ft_strncmp - compares two strings. Returns ASCII difference.
- ft_memchr - searches for a character in a byte string
- ft_memcmp - compares memory areas of two byte strings
- ft_strnstr - locates a substring in a string
- ft_atoi - converts a string to an integer
- ft_calloc - allocates memory and sets its value to 0
- ft_strdup - creates a copy for a string passed as a parameter
- ft_substr - converts a string to a substring
- ft_strjoin - concatenates two strings
- ft_strtrim - trims the beginning and end of a string of specified characters
- ft_split - splits a string into substrings based on a character
- ft_itoa - converts a number to a string
- ft_strmapi - applies a function to every character in a string
- ft_striteri - applies a function to every character in a string
- ft_putchar_fd - outputs a character to a file descriptor
- ft_putstr_fd - outputs a string to a file descriptor
- ft_putendl_fd - outputs a string to a file descriptor followed by a newline
- ft_putnbr_fd - outputs a number to a file descriptor