Package for dynamic simulation of transmission in epidemic of non-lethal pathogen
pip install git+
from infection import Infection
runner = Infection().initialize_all(random_seed=333)
# lists to log state each day
days = []
infecteds = []
immunes = []
# iterate over days
for day, n_infected, n_immune in
from infection import Infection
from infection import viz_utils as vzu
import matplotlib.animation as manimation
writer = manimation.writers["ffmpeg"](fps=12)
runner = Infection().initialize_all(random_seed=333)
# initialize plotting frame
fig, scatter, qcs = vzu.init_frame(runner)
# context for file to write animation
with writer.saving(fig, "my_animation.mp4", dpi=60):
# iterate over days
for day, n_infected, n_immune in
# generate next frame
fig, scatter, qcs = vzu.update_frame(fig, scatter, qcs, runner)
# write frame
# display animation in jupyter notebook
usage: infection [-h] [--steps STEPS] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]
[--random_seed RANDOM_SEED] [--video] [--graph] [--verbose]
epidemic simulator and visualizer
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--steps STEPS number of steps/days to simulate
-i INPUT_FILE json file with configuration, or one of quadrants, large_population
-o OUTPUT_FILE file to which to write simulation output
--random_seed RANDOM_SEED seed for random number generation
--video if set, generate an mp4 animation of simulation
--graph if set, plot infected/immune vs. day
--verbose if set, print results to screen
EXAMPLE: infection --steps 100 -i quadrants -o my_results --video