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# Swagger2GQL

**Swagger2GQL** is a robust library that converts Swagger (OpenAPI) specifications into GraphQL schemas. This library allows you to expose only the necessary operations while providing flexibility in customizing backend API calls. Additionally, it supports creating discrete filter types for each query, enabling fine-grained control over query filtering. It also allows you to specify `@key` directives for types in a federated schema, with configurable federation support.

## Features

- **Convert Swagger to GraphQL**: Automatically generate GraphQL schemas from Swagger (OpenAPI) specifications.
- **Selective Exposure**: Choose to include or exclude specific queries and mutations based on your application's needs.
- **Configurable Federation Support**: Optionally generate schemas suitable for federated GraphQL architectures by enabling federation features.
- **Flexible Type Mapping**: Automatically maps JSON schema types from Swagger to GraphQL types.
- **Discrete Filter Types**: Each query can have its own unique filter type, avoiding naming collisions and allowing for tailored filtering logic.
- **Optional Filtering**: Control whether filtering is enabled or disabled based on your application needs.
- **@key and @shareable Directive Support**: Specify the `@key` directive for types, and optionally include the `@shareable` directive when federation support is enabled.

## Installation

Install the library via npm:

npm install @maka/swagger2gql


Basic Example

Here’s how to use Swagger2GQL to create a GraphQL schema from a Swagger document:

import { createSchema } from '@maka/swagger2gql';

const startServer = async () => {
  const { schema } = await createSchema({
    swaggerSchema: 'path/to/swagger.json',  // Path to your Swagger (OpenAPI) file
    // Other options...

  // Use 'schema' in your GraphQL server setup

Selective Exposure of Queries and Mutations

You can control which queries and mutations are exposed in your GraphQL schema using the includeQueries, includeMutations, excludeQueries, and excludeMutations options.

Hide All by Default, Show Selected Operations

To hide all operations by default and only show specific ones:

import { createSchema } from '@maka/swagger2gql';

const startServer = async () => {
  const { schema } = await createSchema({
    swaggerSchema: 'path/to/swagger.json',
    includeQueries: ['getFoo', 'getBar'],  // List queries to show
    includeMutations: ['createFoo'],       // List mutations to show
    // Other options...

  // Use 'schema' in your GraphQL server setup

Show All by Default, Hide Selected Operations

To show all operations by default and hide specific ones:

import { createSchema } from '@maka/swagger2gql';

const startServer = async () => {
  const { schema } = await createSchema({
    swaggerSchema: 'path/to/swagger.json',
    excludeQueries: ['getSecretData'],     // List queries to hide
    excludeMutations: ['deleteFoo'],       // List mutations to hide
    // Other options...

  // Use 'schema' in your GraphQL server setup

Enable or Disable Filtering

You can control whether filtering functionality is added to the queries by using the enableFiltering option.

Enable Filtering

To enable filtering for each query:

import { createSchema } from '@maka/swagger2gql';

const startServer = async () => {
  const { schema } = await createSchema({
    swaggerSchema: 'path/to/swagger.json',
    enableFiltering: true,  // Enable filtering for each query
    // Other options...

  // Use 'schema' in your GraphQL server setup

Disable Filtering

To disable filtering and remove the filter types from the queries:

import { createSchema } from '@maka/swagger2gql';

const startServer = async () => {
  const { schema } = await createSchema({
    swaggerSchema: 'path/to/swagger.json',
    enableFiltering: false,  // Disable filtering, no filter types will be added
    // Other options...

  // Use 'schema' in your GraphQL server setup

Using the Filter Without a Key

If the response from your query is a simple array (e.g., an array of strings or numbers), you can omit the key in the filter and apply the regex directly to each item in the array.

Example: Simple Array

If your query looks like this:

query ExampleQuery($filter: FooFilter) {
  foo(filter: $filter)

And the response is an array of items:


You can use the following filter without specifying a key:

  "filter": {
    "regex": "cherry"  // Matches all items that contain "cherry"

This will return:


Using the Filter with Nested Objects and Arrays

When dealing with more complex responses that include nested objects and arrays of nested objects, you can use the key to specify the path to the property you want to filter.

Example: Nested Objects and Arrays

Suppose your query response contains a list of products, where each product has an array of reviews:

  "products": [
      "name": "Laptop",
      "reviews": [
          "author": "Alice",
          "rating": 5
          "author": "Bob",
          "rating": 4
      "name": "Phone",
      "reviews": [
          "author": "Charlie",
          "rating": 3
          "author": "Dave",
          "rating": 4

To filter this response to only include reviews with a rating of 5:

  "filter": {
    "key": "products.$.reviews.$.rating",
    "regex": "^5$"  // Matches reviews with a rating of 5

This will return:

  "products": [
      "name": "Laptop",
      "reviews": [
          "author": "Alice",
          "rating": 5

In this example, the key specifies the path through the nested objects and arrays, using the $. notation to denote elements within arrays.

Adding @key Directives for Federation

When working in a federated GraphQL environment, you can specify @key directives for types by providing a keys object in the options. Additionally, you can enable federation support to include federation-specific directives like @shareable.

Example: Adding @key Directives with Federation Support

import { createSchema } from '@maka/swagger2gql';

const startServer = async () => {
  const { schema } = await createSchema({
    swaggerSchema: 'path/to/swagger.json',
    keys: {
      User: 'id',  // Define the @key directive for the User type
    enableFederation: true,  // Enable federation support
    // Other options...

  // Use 'schema' in your GraphQL server setup

In this example, the User type will have a @key(fields: "id") directive added to it, and because enableFederation is set to true, the @shareable directive will also be added, allowing it to participate in a federated GraphQL setup.

Disabling Federation Support

If you do not require federation support, you can disable it (which is the default behavior):

import { createSchema } from '@maka/swagger2gql';

const startServer = async () => {
  const { schema } = await createSchema({
    swaggerSchema: 'path/to/swagger.json',
    keys: {
      User: 'id',
    enableFederation: false,  // Disable federation support (default)
    // Other options...

  // Use 'schema' in your GraphQL server setup

In this case, only the @key directive will be added to the User type, without any federation-specific directives.

API Reference


createSchema<TContext>(options: Options<TContext>): Promise<CustomGraphQLSchema>


  • swaggerSchema: Path to the Swagger (OpenAPI) JSON file or a JSON schema object.
  • includeQueries (optional): Array of query operation IDs to include in the schema. If provided, only these queries will be exposed.
  • excludeQueries (optional): Array of query operation IDs to exclude from the schema. If provided, all other queries will be exposed except these.
  • includeMutations (optional): Array of mutation operation IDs to include in the schema. If provided, only these mutations will be exposed.
  • excludeMutations (optional): Array of mutation operation IDs to exclude from the schema. If provided, all other mutations will be exposed except these.
  • enableFiltering (optional): Boolean flag to enable or disable filtering functionality.
  • keys (optional): An object where the keys are type names and the values are the fields to be used in the @key directive for federation.
  • enableFederation (optional): Boolean flag to enable or disable federation support. Defaults to false.


  • CustomGraphQLSchema: An object containing the generated GraphQL schema and resolvers.



  • build: Compiles the TypeScript files.
  • develop: Runs the TypeScript compiler in watch mode for development.
  • lint: Runs ESLint to check code quality.
  • lint:fix: Runs ESLint and automatically fixes issues.


You can find the source code and contribute at GitHub.


This library is licensed under the ISC License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


Developed by


Newer version of the swagger-to-graphql module






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