This project implements a simple database engine that focuses on low-level data storage. Specifically, it follows the internal schema architecture of a typical database by creating, indexing, and modifying memory blocks on the disk. The system maintains a primary data block that resembles the conceptual schema of the database: it holds attribute names and data types, as well as pointers to memory blocks (tables) with the data. The program also generates a system-dump, showing the conceptual schema, data tables, as well as memory locations of the data and table pointers.
The program was implemented using C programming language and is built using CMake. To build the program, the user should enter the build
folder and type:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
After the program is build, the user may use the makefile in the root folder with the following commands:
make all
: compiles the program
make run
: runs the main program, provides no output.
make test
: runs the testing suite as well as performs a system dump to the file located in the data folder.
make debug
: runs the lldb debugger, was used during development.
make debug-tst
: runs the debugger on google tests.
make clean
: removes executable files.
For more information, please see the schema-database-doc.pdf
in the doc