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Simple app for expenses management made in Laravel 5.4.

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node.js packages

You need to have NodeJS ( installed. If you already have NodeJS installed, follow the instructions below. Open terminal in main folder and install npm packages with command:

> npm install

Update the packages with command:

> npm update

composer packages

You need to install composer ( Update package dependencies running the following commands in console:

> composer install
> composer update


There are several configuration options in this package listed below.

Application secure key

First you need to generate secure key by running in terminal (at the project root folder) following command:

> php artisan key:generate

Database connection

Rename file .env.example (which is in the root folder) to .env, open it and change database connection parameters:



You can edit accounts credentials in file config/accounts.php. You can login to them with buttons on /login page (for testing purposes). You can provide following elements:

  • name - user name
  • email - user email, used to log in (must be in correct format),
  • password - user password, used to log in (will be encrypted in database),
  • roles - array of roles, i.e. ['user', 'admin'], that will be assigned to the account after its creation.

Example item can look like this:

'user' => [
    'name' => 'User',
    'email' => '',
    'password' => 'secret',
    'roles' => ['user']

To add accounts to the database you need to run following command in console:

> php artisan migrate
> php artisan db:seed --class=UsersTableSeeder

If you're having problem you might need to rollback database migrations (this will erase all the data stored in) with the command:

> php artisan migrate:reset

Navigation bars

You can edit navigation links in file config/navbars.php. Currently they are supported role based links on top and side. Each item can contain route, text, icon, links elements. With links element you can provide array of items for the second level menu on the side i.e:

'admin' => [                    // role name
    'side' => [                 // side or top?
            'name' => 'Roles',
            'route' => '#',
            'icon' => 'fa-user-md', // font-awesome icon
            'links' => [        // array of second level links
                ['name' => 'View roles', 'route' => '/roles', 'icon' => 'fa-list'],
            'name' => 'Users',
            'route' => 'users',
            'icon' => 'fa-users',
            'links' => [
                ['name' => 'Create user', 'route' => '/users/create', 'icon' => 'fa-plus'],
                ['name' => 'View users', 'route' => '/users', 'icon' => 'fa-list'],
    'top' => [], // same syntax as in side array

Seeding the database

You can seed the database with auto-generated items (currently there is supported generation of: users, expenses, payments). Expenses and payments records will be randomly associated with each other and with users accounts.

If you want to change the count of generated items you can do this by editing the file config/database.php, at the end there is proper code to do this:

'seeding_count' => [
    'users' => 3,      // UsersTableSeeder
    'expenses' => 30,  // ExpensesTableSeeder
    'payments' => 100  // PaymentsTableSeeder

You can also change the default table names but this is not recommended since is was not tested yet. You can do this be editing the same file and changing following lines (and the end of file):

'payments' => 'payments',
'expenses' => 'expenses'

To seed the database you can type in following command:

> php artisan migrate --seed

Adding roles with permissions

This project uses the Spatie Larvel Permission library ( To add some new roles and associated permissions, edit the file config/roles.php. There is currently 16 permissions in following naming convention: Permissions naming convention:


{Model} - name of the model class {Expense|Payment}
{Action} - name of action {Get|Store|Update|Delete}
{Owner} - the owner of model {Own|All}

In example, if we got permission named ExpenseUpdateAll, we can update
expenses owned by anyone, but with permission named ExpenseUpdateOwn,
we can update the expense only when we are owning it ( must
be equal to expense.user_id).

To specify some role with its permissions you should do this as below:

'admin' => [
    // Expense related permissions:
    ['name' => 'ExpenseGetAll', 'guard_name' => 'web'],
    ['name' => 'ExpenseStoreAll', 'guard_name' => 'web'],
    // ... rest of permissions

Running the server

To run the server open terminal in root folder and type following command:

> php artisan serve

Now you should be able to visit the site at: http://localhost:8000.

Available Routes and Screenshots

Hover over link to see its address (route with variable). CTRL + click opens link in new tab. {user} stands for User id in the database ( {expense}, Expense id, etc.


Simple app for expenses management made in Laravel 5.4






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