Created by Malchu Pascual in July 2022
Tennis is a sophisticated sport. It can often be extremely difficult to predict who will win a tennis match due to many variables, such as form, rank, head-to-head, and win-loss record. This program accounts for many of those factors to solve this problem. Given 2 names of ATP players as input for a tennis match between them, a winner is predicted along with percent probabilities of how likely each player could win that match.
The user interface consists of the title, 2 text boxes to input each player's name, 2 photos for the profile pictures of each of those respective players, and the "Predict!" button. Once you click "Predict!", a donut graph will appear with the probabilities of winning for both players along with a prediction statement at the bottom. The photos, graph, and prediction statement change depending on which players are inputted, and you can continuously input different players after each prediction.
Copyright Disclaimer
I do not own any of the photos used in the application. All player media used are owned by the ATP Tour.
To run the application locally, you must have installed:
To run the application locally, first clone this repository:
> git clone
Then, simply run the main script to launch the application:
> cd tennismatchpredictor
> python3
- Input an ATP player's full name in each of the 2 text boxes. Make sure to spell their full names correctly.
- Click "Predict!" and wait for the results to come up.
- Voila! You can now see who will win that match and the likelihood for each player.
- Clear the player names and repeat steps 1-3 to generate more predictions!