nose2 plugin to run the tests with support of pyspark (Apache Spark).
- Make "pyspark" importable in you code executed by nose2.
- Add a list of py-files dependencies of your pyspark application (which
is usually supplied as an option
spark-submit --py-files ...
$ pip install nose2-spark
Load "nose2-spark" plugin into nose2 by creating nose2.cfg
in your project
[unittest] plugins = nose2_spark
Run tests with nose2-spark activated (pyspark and friends are added to pythonpath):
$ nose2 --pyspark
nose2-spark will try to import pyspark by looking into:
- SPARK_HOME environment variable
- Some common Spark locations.
You can set it manually in case if all of mentioned methods are failing
to find Spark. Add section "nose2-spark" to nose2.cfg
[nose2-spark] spark_home = /opt/spark
You can add a list of required py-files to run your code:
[nose2-spark] pyfiles =
Example of nose2.cfg
with spark_home defined, one py-files dependency and
auto activating nose2-spark plugin:
[unittest] plugins = nose2_spark [nose2-spark] always-on = True spark_home = /opt/spark pyfiles =
This will allow to run tests by single command:
$ nose2