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Yaman Umuroglu edited this page Apr 3, 2016 · 3 revisions


  • write unit tests (JUnit + Chisel.Tester) for all components
  • write documentation
  • add synthesis result examples, similar to Christopher Felton's alt.hdl


  • support write bursts (will need stateful interleavers, also stateful simplex adapters for Convey)
  • get rid of dedicated reinitialize signal for ReqIDQueue, use regular reset


  • tighter packing of fields into registers (right now, 1-bit signal will occupy 32-bit register)
  • allow placing constraints on I/O ports in hardware description & gen check in SW driver (e.g divisable by x)
  • add illegal memory access exceptions in TesterWrapper (unaligned access, unsupported burst size, invalid address)
  • add support for the Zynq ACP ports
  • add OoO returns support in high-latency memory simulation


  • make a handshaking-across-latency wrapper component
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