A durable extension the pysftp SFTP client: https://pysftp.readthedocs.io/
pip install durasftp
Show the help:
python -m durasftp --help
Mirror an SFTP endpoint to your local with private keys:
python -m durasftp --host some.sftp.server.com --port 22 --username your_username \
--private-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa --private-key-pass 'ULTRASECUREPASSWORD' \
--local-base /tmp/local_copy_of_server
Mirror an SFTP endpoint to your local with a password:
python -m durasftp --host some.sftp.server.com --port 22 --username your_username \
--local-base /tmp/local_copy_of_server
This package very closely mirrors the functionality of pysftp, except it automatically recovers a connection in the event that network connectivity is intermittent.
It also introduces a mirroring functionality, where you can copy a local directory to a remote server, or copy a remote directory to the local. It will ignore files that already exist on the destination, if the file size and modification time are identical.
The DurableSFTPConnection class is intended to be a drop-in replacement for the pysftp.Connection class. With a stable network connection, it should be identical in every way.
from durasftp import DurableSFTPConnection
conn = DurableSFTPConnection(host="some.sftp.server.com", port=22, username="your_username", password="ULTRASECUREPASSWORD")
from durasftp import Mirrorer
mirrorer = Mirrorer(