• Create 2 Web Application (BackOffice + Client Portal) based on PHP Laravel Web framework.
• Each county has a different tax rate and collects a different amount of taxes.
The software should have the following features:
Client Applications:
• Client Portal Application. This is a simple application where the client can make login/register and go inside on the dashboard. That App should have just 3 routes:
1. '/login', client make login (in case of success, redirect to dashboard).
2. '/register' client make register (in case of success, redirect to dashboard).
(a) Information required for register form is 'name', 'surname', 'date-of-
birth', 'email', 'password', 'phone-number'.
(b) If client made successful register, all fields with random data 'ad-
dress', 'country', 'trading-account-number', 'balance', 'open-trades','close-trades'.
3. '/dashboard', this is a client dashboard, where client can see all infor-mation about him ('name', 'surname', 'date-of-birth', 'email', 'phone- number', 'address', 'country', 'trading-account-number', 'balance', 'open-trades', 'close-trades').
BackOffice Applications:
• This is an application for back-o�ce stu� to check the client's account. The diference between 'client' and 'user' is, user are for backOffice to check clients data.
'/login', the user make login (in case of success, redirect to dashboard)
'/dashboard', user can see the table of all clients.
'/client/id', the user can see all the details about the client and also can edit information.
'/create-user', this URL will create new user in back-office application,felds for creating (
DB Tabels/Schema
Users id (autoincrement), email, password(md5), role-id
Roles id (autoincrement), name
Clients id (autoincrement), name, surname, date-of-birth, email, password(md5) phone-number, address, country, trading-account-number, balance, open-trades, close-trades
BackOffice Roles
, can view/edit everything (all clients) and create a new user for back office.User
, can view/edit everything (all clients).
• Symfony 4.3. (https://symfony.com/download)
• Apache WEB server, version 2.0 or higher. ( http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi )
• PHP 7.3. ( http://www.php.net/ )
• MySQL 8. ( http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/ )
• IDE (like PhpStorm). (https://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/download/)
1- Download and Extract the Source Code.
2- Create DataBase:
in the terminal of the IDE type the following commands:
a. composer update
b. according to env file of the root of the project DATABASE_URL=mysql://mohammad:mohammad@
create a user with password which has access to the database: DATABASE_URL=mysql://user_db:user_password@
c. php bin/console doctrin:database:create
3- Create Table:
-in the terminal of the IDE type these commands to create tables for the entities of the project:
a. php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
b. php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate