Python import dependency visualizer to aid in understanding module architecture
- GraphViz(stand alone application that needs to be downloaded separately)
- networkx
- pydot
python [-h] [-v] [-o file] [--display PROGRAM]
[--noshow] [--reverse] [--rankdir {TB,BT,LR,RL}]
library_path library_name
positional arguments:
library_path system path for where the inteded library is located
library_name name of library
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --shape display nodes in specified shape:'box', 'polygon', 'ellipse', 'oval',
'circle', 'egg', 'triangle', 'exagon', 'star'
-st, --style display edges in specified style:'filled', 'rounded', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'bold'
-nc, --ncolor display nodes in specified color:'blue', 'black', 'red', '#db8625', 'green',
'gray', 'cyan', '#ed125b'
-ec, --ecolor display edges in specified color: 'blue', 'black', 'red', '#db8625', 'green',
'gray', 'cyan', '#ed125b'
-o write output to 'file'
--display program to use to display the graph
--noshow, --no-show don't call external program to display graph
--reverse' draw arrows to (instead of from) imported modules
--rankdir set the direction of the graph,
choices= TB (default, imported modules above importing modules),
BT (opposite direction of TB)
LR (left-to-right) and RL (right-to-left)")
make package more self contained by implementing a limited graphics library to replace graphviz
check and include import dependencies written in other languages