A command line tool for managing ECS task definitions.
can deregister and delete old task definitions.
The following AWS IAM permissions are required.
- ecs:DeleteTaskDefinitions
- ecs:DeregisterTaskDefinition
- ecs:DescribeTaskDefinition
- ecs:ListTaskDefinitions
$ brew install manabusakai/tap/tdtidy
$ go install github.com/manabusakai/tdtidy/cmd/tdtidy@latest
tdtidy subcommand [options]
deregister Deregisters one or more task definitions.
delete Deletes one or more task definitions. You must deregister a task definition before you delete it.
Turn on dry-run. Output the target task definitions.
-family-prefix string
Specify the family name of the task definitions. If specified, filter by family name.
-retention-period int
The retention period for task definitions is specified in days. The unit is the number of days, and the default value is zero.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2023 Manabu Sakai