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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Simple Excel

Project Usage

local start

yarn start

project build

yarn build

online view

Support Feature

  • column & row sort
  • cell edit
  • cell calculate

Feature Usage

column & row sort

  • start sort: click target column or row's table header
  • sort order: normal[default] => ascending => descending

cell edit

  • start edit: doubleClick cell
  • confirm: cell blur & keydown enter
  • cancel: keydown esc

cell calculate

  • start calculate: enter word and start with =

  • support Operator:

    operator descirption example
    + addition 2+1 => 3
    - subtraction 2-1 => 1
    * multiplication 2*1 => 2
    / division 4/2 => 2
    % mod 4%3 => 1
    ^ exponentiation 4^2 => 16
  • need enter = as string: start with '=

File Structure

|-- Excel-DEMO
    |-- .gitignore
    |-- package.json
    |-- tsconfig.json
    |-- yarn.lock
    |-- build // parsed codes
    |-- public // static html
    |   |-- favicon.ico
    |   |-- index.html
    |   |-- manifest.json
    |-- src // sourse codes
        |-- App.css
        |-- App.test.tsx
        |-- App.tsx
        |-- index.css
        |-- index.tsx
        |-- react-app-env.d.ts
        |-- serviceWorker.ts
        |-- components // 组件
        |   |-- Cell
        |   |   |-- Cell.module.css
        |   |   |-- Cell.tsx
        |   |   |-- index.tsx
        |   |-- SortCell
        |   |   |-- index.tsx
        |   |   |-- SortCell.module.css
        |   |   |-- SortCell.tsx
        |   |-- Table
        |       |-- index.tsx
        |       |-- Table.module.css
        |       |-- Table.tsx
        |-- tools // 工具函数
            |-- createGrid.ts
            |-- sortGrid.ts
            |-- strEval.ts