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Advertisement Rendering Framework (ARF)

Vuejs + Babel + Webpack + Gulp based framework for rendering ads on your websites.


  • Reactive render advertisement with Vue.js
  • Polyfill with Babel.

Have in mind that you have to build your library before publishing. The files under the build folder are the ones that should be distributed.


This library is currently available on npm.

$ npm install arf --save


Sync guide

#####1. Implement the framework, put this line of code on your head tag

<script src="path/to/your/arf.min.js"></script>

#####2. Add a banner container to your document body

<banner id="my-banner"></banner>
  new Arf.Banner({
    el: '#my-banner',
    propsData: {
      model: {
        id: 'leader-board',
        html: '<p>This is a top banner</p>',
        width: 468,
        height: 90,

If you have already known Vue.js, you will recognize the above syntax. Arf.Banner is an instance of Vue.component , so Arf.Banner has every features which Vue.component supplies.

Async guide

This is one of the best features of ARF. You can define your ads every where you want then asynchronously implement ARF at the bottom of body tag. Your banners will wait in queue till ARF is defined. When ARF is defined, ARF will fetch through the queue then render all the banner the queue containing.

#####1. Define a banner: ARF handles two queues: window.arfBannersQueue & window.arfZonesQueue. window.arfZonesQueue is for advanced usages with sharing a space for multiple banners. If you just want to put an ads to your site/app, window.arfBannersQueue is all you need.

<banner id="my-banner"></banner>
  // Init arfBannersQueue if not existed
  window.arfBannersQueue = window.arfBannersQueue || [];

  // Push current banner to arfBannersQueue
    el: '#my-banner',
    propsData: {
      model: {
        id: 'leader-board',
        html: '<p>This is a top banner</p>',
        width: 468,
        height: 90,

#####2. Put ARF before your </body>

<script src="path/to/your/arf.min.js"></script>

ARF watches the above two queues for changes then render all ads pushed to queues.

Development guide

ARF welcome all contributions from community. Node.js v5 is require as minimum.

  1. Build your library
  • Run npm install to get the project's dependencies
  • Run npm run build to produce your library (outputs are three version of your library: development, production).
  1. Development mode
  • Having all the dependencies installed run npm start or npm run develop. This command will watch the src folder and regenerate all versions of your library so you get the compilation on file change.
  1. Running the tests
  • Run npm run test


  • npm run develop - produces all versions of your library and template in watcher mode
  • npm run build - produces all versions of your library and template once
  • npm run test - well ... it runs the tests :)