Releases: manid2/hugo-xterm
Releases · manid2/hugo-xterm
CV Layout improvements
Features (Breaking changes not compatible with previous CV layout)
- Add cv-description class to replace post-meta class in cv layout to
keep it separate from post layout. This class is similar to post-meta
class except for text color which is set to normal instead of accent. - Remove bottom border in cv-experience to avoid printing too many lines
due to many experiences listed. These lines are a distraction when
reading the CV. - Remove cv-skills class and cv/skills shortcode replace it with simple
line e.g. "Skills: C++, Python". This is done to reduce the printed
content. - Add cv-content class to apply cv content specific styles:
- Reduce h2 size as it is not more important than the listed
experiences and educations. - Reduce line height and margins for all elements under cv-content to
keep the CV readable in print while also fitting into smallest page
- Reduce h2 size as it is not more important than the listed
Fix: Slides header, TOC lists, highlight wrapper
- Add header section with title, date, author and description to slides.
- Remove bottom margin for lists in table of contents (TOC). This is
done to prevent empty space between list items when there are multiple
levels in table of contents (TOC). - Reuse highlight wrapper. This change enables reusing highlight wrapper
for components without the toolbar and copy buttons e.g. slides.
Embedded reveal.js slides with hugo-xterm colors
- Embedded reveal.js slides with hugo-xterm colors.
- Remove blocks: "head", "styles", "container" and "scripts" as they are
better implemented by partials and keep the layouts consistent across
theme components default, CV and slides. - Remove styles from 'slides/style.html' and move them into SASS partial
'styles/_slides.scss'. Import the partial in 'styles/app.scss'.
- Use site params for copyright text in slides footer.
- Remove function to get color for media print in styles.
- External reveal.js theme 'black' must be removed in future as now it
breaks theme UI.