This repo contains code that was written for the test given by Octopuslabs
create a virtualenv with python 2.7.13
virtualenv -p python2.7.13 .venv --no-site-packages
activate virtualenv using
source .venv/bin/activate
install the required depencies using
pip install -r requirements.txt
We need to separately install the spacy english model using
python -m spacy download en
Create a mysql database named
with following configuration refer "host": "localhost", port": 3306, "user": "newuser", "passwd": "password", "db": "scraped_data" -
Once the database is setup and all the depencies are working properly, we can go ahead and start tornado server using :
Once the server is running, you can navigate to :
Paste the url and you will see the wordcloud[only Nouns, Verbs] render on the same page Nouns and Verb filtering has been done by spacy.
At the same time, the encrypted data will be saved in the tables url_data and word_data in the database.
I am using for getting the sentiment of the text. wit has limitation of 256 characters, hence, I am extracting the title of the url and sending it to wit and savind it back in DB
- Have a script like init.sql to create database
- Make sure no local ips are in code
- Admin page still doesnt get the data from backend
- spacy to get frequency of words and parts of speech [verbs, nouns]
- spacy en model has to be downloaded
python -m spacy download en
- using wordcloud.js for showing the wordcloud in the front-end
- using crypto to store the encrypted message in backend
- salt.txt and mykey.pem will be used for encryption