The MERN Stack E-commerce Application for Electronic Goods is a robust and scalable web application that aims to provide users with a seamless online shopping experience for electronic products. This application leverages the power of the MERN (MongoDB Express.js React.js and Node.js) stack to ensure efficient and dynamic handling of data and interactions.
Here're some of the project's best features:
- User Authentication: Users can register log in and log out securely using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication ensuring secure access to their accounts and personalized features.
- Product Details Page: Each electronic product has a dedicated page displaying comprehensive details including specifications pricing availability and images.
- Ratings and Reviews: Users can provide ratings and reviews for products helping others make informed purchasing decisions. The application displays average ratings and the number of reviews for each product.
- Role-Based Authorization: Different user roles (administrators sellers and customers) have specific permissions and restrictions. This ensures secure access control and protects sensitive information.
- Shopping Cart and Checkout: Users can add products to their shopping carts review the cart contents and proceed to a secure checkout process. Integration with PayPal enables users to make secure online payments.
- User Profiles and Order History: Users have personalized profiles where they can manage account information view order history track shipments and update preferences. This feature enhances the user experience and facilitates reordering.
- Integration with PayPal: The application integrates with PayPal as a payment processing platform providing users with a secure and convenient payment option during the checkout process.
1. Clone the Repository
git clone
2. Install Dependencies
npm install
3. Configure Environment Variables
In the project's root directory find the example.env file. Duplicate the file and rename it to just .env Open the .env file and provide the necessary configuration values such as database credentials JWT secret key PayPal API credentials etc.
4. Seed the data
npm run data:import
5. Start the Application
npm run dev
6. Access the Application
In browser type http://localhost:3000
Fork the repository and clone it to your local machine.
Create a new branch for your changes.
Make your desired changes following the project's coding style and guidelines.
Commit your changes with clear and descriptive messages.
Push your changes to your forked repository.
Submit a pull request explaining the purpose and details of your changes.
Be responsive to feedback and make any necessary updates or improvements.
Keep your forked repository synced with the original repository for updates.
Engage in constructive discussions and maintain a professional attitude.
Technologies used in the project:
- React
- Node
- Express
- Redux toolkit
- Mongoose
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Bootstrap
- Axios
- Toastify
This project is licensed under the MIT license