Mento aims to provide first hand in-depth career advice from the biggest and best in each field. You'll get all the information you need to decide if a particular career is for you or not. You will get career guidance from the biggest entrepreneur in India
- Create a new folder.
- Run following command in terminal:-
- To run-backend:-
cd server
->npm install
->npm run server
- To run front-end:-
cd client
->yarn install
->yarn start
- Users can find different courses and feedback about application on landing page.
- Users can create account or login using a Google Authentication.
- Users can watch demo video before buying any course.
- Only after successful payment, users can watch that particular course anytime.
- Users can download certificate after purchasing course.
- React
- Redux
- Material-UI
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
Took some help from these resources
Users can find different course and feedbacks on this page. Also, users can watch overview video as shown in above picture.
After clicking on any course user will redirect to this page to see details of that course. But, users can watch only demo video before payment.
If user try to watch any video then user will redirect to login page. User have to login first. If user don't have any account then user can create account using sign up page by clicking on sign up button.
After login, users will see videos in locked form because users didn't paid yet. After clicking on any video or on offer button, user will redirect to offer page.
On this page, users can read all the offers or course details before paying any amount for the course.
After successful payment users can watch the videos of a course for which they have paid. Also, by clicking on profile icon on right top of navbar, users can logout.