This project is currently work in progress.
- A tool to install in your environment
- Merge data from various build / CI tools on your projects whatever are your tools
- Provides Rest services on these datas
- Provides many badges generated from these datas whatever are your tools
- Includes a CLI, an UI, a REST API. No security (Work in progress ...)
Last build of a project :
Versions of a project :
Tests results of a project :
Tests count evolution ("graph badge") :
Developers for a project ("picture badge") :
TODO : more to come, this project is currently work in progress
Panorama is a basic stand-alone repository providing data about your projects and on every build, test, deployment, analysis you want to handle and share. It is currently built in Java.
All features are managed through a simple REST API, intended to be used from your existing CI / build tools, and can be queried for quick access on any important data. Panorama includes a fixed data model for project definition, and process some basic data analysis to always manage only the most important and the up-to-date details on your project and everything around it.
The API can be used from any CURL like tool, from your CI tools using standard "REST call" plugins, or from dedicated / specialized integration plugins.
A badges generator is also included, allowing you to add in your project description page some badges like the one you can have on most Github project, whatever is your build / CI tool, or even if your tools are all used from a private network.
- Generate a project CI overview for a "big screen CI pannel" with project last builds, tests results, deployment status ...
- Have a centralized access version installed on every environment for all of your project
- Share a badge with last test result status, deployment results, build status ...
Yep, to build nicely your project you may already have various different tools, some installed locally, if you manage your own environment, some cloud-based... Each of these tools may have needed various config, management ... You may have needed a lot of time to install everything ...
So, OK, Panorama is supposed to be added to your CI stack, but ...
I created panorama because I wanted to add fun badges to some project README pages, but as I am using a private CI environment, it is very difficult to have something similar to a Github based project. And for each tool, you have to integrate the specific badges for all of your needs. With panorama, all badges came from one location only, on a application you can install in your own environment.
In the same time, I wanted to provide a centralized "mvn site" repository for our java projects : a server where the generated sites are located and easily acceded. But it seems that no one do that anymore, and there is no basic solution for that. I needed only basic test results (because we don't have Jenkins anymore, you have to manage yourself the test result aggregate), a quick overview on each project teams, maybe a PMD analysis result. Actually, panorama can manage these data for you : the teams details, the tests results, the analysis results are some of the various information handle by panorama. And because the aggregation model is able to "complete" any existing project information with any new data it process, the sources for these data can be various : from your own mvn instance, to a build server.
And because the integration is done through simple rest services, data can be read / pushed from almost every existing or future tools : just add Rest call, or use dedicated plugin, and that's it.
Panorama is not a build tool, nor a wiki or a SCM. It's only a manager of some data useful for providing quick overview on your CI process. It will never try to do more that.
The data model is optimized for these needs only, and even if more kind of data may be added in further releases, the data model from the first v0 is already enough for most of the CI use-cases.
You have seen some example of big screen with an overview on all the last build, test features, with the picture of the developer who have broken the build in big ? And you dream to add that in your small team, but have no time to code every data integration you need ?
Here, that's it, you have now already all the data management. You just need to install panorama, push data on it from your tools, and create your own UI as you wish. And for this UI, you can directly use the badges (some are not "standard" badges ...) and have most of the information you want in few minutes.
Find a small CPU, a few 100Mb of memories, maybe a db (maybe : you can use it without any db), launch it, that's it. If you use Docker you will have nothing to add to configuration.
The expected improvements to come are :
- The project is currently work in progress. The missing "core features" for now are : Badges on test, deploy, more build scope, manage Team / repository data, processing of custom payload in Result data, improved spring config, clean database management, Dockerfile
- Create basic integration plugin to panorama for some standard tools. I can work on a maven plugin, a Jenkins plugin, and a plugin. Every hep is welcome for these task or for other plugins
- Add more badges. Badges are svg templates, and are very easy to add to the panorama core. A DSL will be added later to help create own customized badges from any required data
- Add customization features on the UI and on the badge generation. The idea is to give you the ability to handle the "payload" data from Result and use it in badge generation. Some payload models will be already provided (for example, to count the number of failed test, the covertura coverage ...)
- An Oauth2 authentication feature when you want to manage panorama in a public domain.
- The technical solution may evolve also : Built with SpringBoot, panorama may migrate to another solution, possibly GO.
- Add GET-URI based update for some data, to allow basic webhook support (for example for the "release" result, which can be managed from Github or Bitbucket once a merge is done on master branch)
These evolution objectives will try to avoid to include :
- A plugin system. You already handle enought plugins, panorama will handle a customization feature for UI and badges, but that's all. More features will add more complexity and it's not the idea here.
- An advanced security system. The managed data are not critical, and panorama is mostly conceived for private environment. So, except the authentication system, no right, profile, or group management will be added
Actually, everything panorama does was mainly existing in various tools, even in technology solutions created many years ago. But your CI environment may not have all of these tools, or was "improved" and now doesn't have anymore a tool able to handle one part of your project information. So here panorama may help :
- It manage all the basic project information like many other tools do. But with consistency and in one place : you don't have to get it from elsewhere
- The information is managed with an objective of human readability. The services are not supposed to provides data to other tools : they are optimized for UI / CLI needs, so, for direct use by an user.
Here an overview on the datamodel :
The managed datamodel is :
- Project information : basic data about a project. Identity is managed from code and version. All other values are optional
- Associated project details : team, repositories ... (based on basic Maven POM)
- Tool information : associated to project. Type is identified from name and / or vendorName. More than 15 tools types are currently supported
- Result information : any result of build, deploy, test ... Associated to tool and project. A payload with any kind of json data is supported
- Other to come
Other remarks :
- Specified Versions must follow semver (for now)
- Uses a "data aggregation" process : data can be specified directly or through any service as an associated item. For example, you can create a project from dedicated service, and use its code + version when pushing associated build result, or you can simply push result with a code + version + any other project data in associated project data, which create immediately any missing project.
The tools bellow are identified automatically from provided values (tool name and / or vendor name)
Production tools :
- Maven
- Gradle
- Ant (without ivy)
- Ant + Ivy
- Make
- Buildr
- Sbt
CI tools :
- Bamboo
- Jenkins
- Teamcity
- Travis-ci
- circle-ci
- CodeShip
- (cloud or standalone)
- bitbucket (from bitbucket pipeline)
A type "other" exists => Any tool can be used.
The project "result" data type can be :
- BUILD : a build / packaging / compilation was processed (on developer env, on CI env ...)
- RELEASE : the project was released and is now available in repository or ready for install (mvn release, manual release in Jenkins, merge on master branch from SCM ...)
- TEST : a test set was run (launched from CI tool, from maven ...)
- DEPLOY : the project was deployed in a repository (deploy from CI tool in npm repo, maven repo ...)
- INSTALL : the project was installed on an environment (integration environment by CI, manually launched installation in production from jenkins ...)
- AUDIT : an analysis was ran on the project (global with sonar or custom with covertura, checkstyle, PMD, nexus syntesis ...).
- OTHER : Whatever you want to specify as a "Result" on your project
The payload for each result type is actually freely defined, but for clean badge and report display, some dedicated models are specified and should be used.
All properties are actually optional : Badge generation will try to use whatever is present. Any properties are allowed for the payload contents, and will be saved in the project Result Datamodel, but only the default payload models will be used for badges / metrics.
For TEST result :
"payload": {
"success": {{int nbr of tests in success}},
"ignored": {{int nbr of tests ignored}},
"failed": {{int nbr of tests failed}},
"duration": {{int nbr of seconds for test set execution}}
For RELEASE result :
"payload": {
"until": {{int nbr of expected support duration}}
For BUILD result :
"payload": {
"user": "{{Freely specified person name who launched the build - should be a developer email for automatic aggregation}}",
"duration": {{int nbr of seconds for build execution}}
For INSTALL result :
"payload": {
"environment": "{{Freely specified environment name where the install was processed}}",
"user": "{{Freely specified person name who launched the install - should be a developer email for automatic aggregation}}"
For DEPLOY result :
"payload": {
"path": "{{location of deployed project files. Can be groupId/version path for maven projects}}",
"repository": "{{repository name - should be a project Repository name for automatic aggregation}}",
"files": ["{{an array of deployed filenames. Can be maven classifier for example}}"]
For AUDIT result :
"payload": {
"ncss": {{Int nbr of Non Commenting Source Statements (NCSS) on the project}},
"coverage": {{Int % of code coverage by unit tests on the project, using standard conventions (value between 0 and 100)}},
"violations": [
"type": "{{Name of violation type identified on the audit. Multiple violations can be defined}}",
"minor": {{int nbr of minor violations for the identified type}},
"major": {{int nbr of major violations for the identified type}},
"url": "{{Freely specified for violation report access, or associated bug-tracker}}"
"duration": {{int nbr of seconds for audit set execution}}
put /services/projects body : Project record
get /services/projects/groups
Project grouped by code / version
get /services/projects/{projectCodeName}
All versions for a project code
put /services/results/build
body : recordBuild
put /services/results/deploy
put /services/results/test
put /services/results/{projectCodeName}/{projectVersion}/deploy
put /services/results/{projectCodeName}/{projectVersion}/build
put /services/results/{projectCodeName}/{projectVersion}/test
get /services/results/{projectCodeName}/{projectVersion}/all
get /services/results/{projectCodeName}/{projectVersion}/build
get /services/results/{projectCodeName}/{projectVersion}/test
get /services/results/{projectCodeName}/{projectVersion}/deploy
get /services/tools/groups
Grouped by tool type
get /services/tools/{anyType} All instances for a specified type
get /services/technical/ping Health-check answer from the active panorama instance
get /services/technical/uptime Uptime for the active panorama instance
get /services/technical/version Various version data about the active panorama instance (version number, build and code name)
The badge generator provides various useful badges to insert in your project README. Some are similar to the the standard ones you can put from Travis-CI,, or from, some other are more advanced and provides more stuff to illustrate your project.
All the badges are SVG files generated from a project identifier (using project code and version), cached locally. You can add your own cache but the existing caching system is enough for basic needs in a private network.
Shared features for all badges :
- All badges are provided bellow url /badges/{projectCode}/{projectVersion}/{badgeName}.svg.
- All badges handle the missing project / version => If none corresponding found, a default badge result is provided (for example, for "last build" badge, the value "pending" will be displayed)
- The projectVersion can be substitued with the value "last" : this way, the "last" project (IE : the higher version value) is used.
- The projectVersion can be substitued with the value "fresh" : this way, the most recently updated project (whatever the version is) is used. For example, if the project exist in version 1.2.1 and 1.2.14, and if the last test result is applied on version 1.2.1, then the "fresh" version is "1.2.1", and the "last" stay "1.2.14".
- For some badges, the projectVersion can also be "pending" (fresh version without any "release" specified) or "released" (fresh version with a release specified)
get /badges/{projectCode}/{projectVersion}/build.svg => most recent build result status for specified project version. "Pending" if none found, "success" if result was "success", "failed" else
Results :
get /badges/{projectCode}/{projectVersion}/test.svg => most recent test result status for specified project version. "Pending" if none found, "success" if result was "success", "failed" else
Results :
get /badges/{projectCode}/{projectVersion}/test-count.svg => If the most recent test result for specified project version has a specified payload, provides the count of success tests over failed tests. Take care also of ignored count.
Results :
- Last test was successful and count of success is available in payload :
- Last test was successful but count of success tests is 0 and ignored is > 0 (all tests are assumed ignored) :
- Last test was a failure and count of success and failure is available in payload :
- Payload or count in payload is missing : failover to default test result status badge
get /badges/{projectCode}/{projectVersion}/test-evolution.svg => For a maximum of 10 test results on the specified project, produces a graph of the failed / success / ignored tests.
Results :
- Graph with data :
- Graph without data Empty gride
For these 3 badges variants, only the fixed semver compliant version is displayed. So if the last "released" if for example "1.3.2.RC", then "1.3.2" is displayed.
get /badges/{projectCode}/{projectVersion}/version.svg => Corresponding version for project, in a "version" badge. N/A if version is not found.
Results :
- Specified version exists :
- Specified version doesn't exists : same with "N/A" value on red background
get /badges/{projectCode}/pending/version.svg => Fresh pending version for the project, in a dedicated "pending" badge. N/A if version is not found.
Results :
- A pending version exists :
- No pending version exists (for example, they are all released) : same with "N/A" value on red background
get /badges/{projectCode}/released/version.svg => Fresh released version for the project, in a dedicated "released" badge. N/A if version is not found.
Results :
These badges display a "trombinoscope" of the specified project team members. If the project is associated to a team, and if the developers of the team are specified and associated to pictures (all pictures are managed as uri-encoded BASE64 inline images), then an overview of up to 10 members of the team is displayed.
get /badges/{projectCode}/released/developers-compact.svg => corresponding project team members pictures overview, in a compact picture
Results :
- Developers who exist on the project team with pictures :
- Developers exist on the project team without pictures : for each missing picture, a default "anonymous" picture is used
- No developer or team for the project : A "missing person" picture is displayed
- Badge is of a fixed size, and limited to 10 developer pictures, with a border
get /badges/{projectCode}/released/developers-inline.svg => same as previous, in a large "inlined" display
Results :
- Same as previous, without border, in one line of maximum 30 pictures
These badges provide general information about the running instance of panorama
get /badges/server/version.svg => Display the active panorama backend version
Results :
get /badges/server/project-count.svg => Display the total number of distinct projects information managed in the running instance of panorama. Ignore the versionned variants for the projects (if project "proj-test" exist in version "1.2.3" and "1.2.4", then only 1 instance of project is counted)
Results :
get /badges/server/uptime.svg => Display the uptime of the active panorama instance
Results :
TODO. Will display logo of used tools by result / project
TODO (but yep, it's expected to be one of the badges)
Badges with a DSL
A demo mode is available. Start app with "demo" profile (TODO : it's a spring profile, a shortcut for easy conf update will be added). With demo mode a set of demo data is automatically included in the app, which starts on an embedded database. All data are dropped once the application is stopped.
java -jar panorama-services-0.1.0.jar
Standard Maven project. Java 8
mvn package