In this project there is a simple example how to use rosbridge server ands roslibjs to comunicate with ROS using yout web browser. The final objective is to create a simple html as a viewer that allow the browser to show params about the robot subscribed by means of ROS and it can publish specific data to simulate robot.
In this case, the robot will be a turtle thanks to turtlesim provide for ROS.
Assumes the following tools:
- ROS Kinetic running on Ubuntu 16.04
- Catkin tools
It's important to know the environment around ROS and its basic structure. Read followings documents: DOC Folder
To get started, It is advisable to do tests with TurtleSim
TurtleSim, this must be launch through the next command:
student@ubuntu:~$ rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node build-essential
Ros workspace is catkin_ws and workspace where contain this example is robot_gui_bridge . Forto know as started ros project and starting to create your code , must look at the bottom of the page.
├── build
│ ├── catkin_tools_prebuild
│ │ ├── Makefile
│ │ ├── package.xml
│ │ └── test_results
│ └── robot_gui_bridge #This folder is created when lauch catkin_make or catkin build
├── devel
└── src #Folder where contain all our projects
├── CMakeLists.txt -> /opt/ros/kinetic/share/catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake
└── robot_gui_bridge
├── build
│ ├── roslib.js
│ └── roslib.min.js
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── gui
│ ├── gui.html
│ └── w3.css
├── launch
│ └── websocket.launch
└── package.xml
**This is a example where the new package (robot_gui_bridge) uses the dependencie rosbridge_server **
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
catkin create pkg robot_gui_bridge --catkin-deps rosbridge_server
cd ~/catkin_ws
You could install the package manually using a command apt-get install ros-kinetic-rosbridge-server
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-tf2-tools
This is necessary because it must launch two turtlesim at once
Before to launch example you mitgh be make sure you have done the folllow commands:
catkin build # or catkin_make
source devel/setup.bash
student@ubuntu:~/catkin_ws$ roslaunch robot_gui_bridge websocket.launch
student@ubuntu:~$ rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node build-essential
The next folder is created automatically when the installation of ROS is successful
student@ubuntu:~/catkin_ws/src$ catkin_create_pkg beginner_tutorials std_msgs rospy roscpp
After to create a package, you return to root project folder and:
student@ubuntu:~$ cd ~/catkin_ws
student@ubuntu:~/catkin_ws$ catkin build
student@ubuntu:~/catkin_ws$ . ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Information about Building a ROS package here
If the codec that we want to launch if .py, add it ejecutable permission: student@ubuntu:~/catkin_ws/src/beginner_tutorials/src$ sudo chmod +x
student@ubuntu:~$ roscore
What is rocore and because it's important? here
student@ubuntu:~$ rosrun beginner_tutorials beginner_tutorials/src/
student@ubuntu:~$ rostopic list
student@ubuntu:~$ rostopic info /turtle1/pose
Type: turtlesim/Pose
* /turtlesim (http://ubuntu:37855/)
Subscribers: None