My goal was to make a class that can store the frame propertys of the view hierarchy of a view or a nib file as a layout and to switch between this layouts.
with this class you can do:
- store the frame propertys from a view hierarchy or from a nib file
- switch the layout of the current view
- modify the layouts in the LayoutManager
Full ARC support
support for ios 4.0
- the modify methods are not fully implemented
layoutManager = [[MALayoutManager alloc] initLayoutWithName:@"portraiLayout" fromView:self.view withBaseView:NO];
[layoutManager addLayoutWithName:@"landscapeLayout" fromNib:@"iPhone_landscapeLayout"];
[layoutManager changeToLayoutWithName:@"landscapeLayout"];
[layoutManager changeToLayoutWithName:@"portraiLayout"];
Copyright 2012 Mario Adrian
Released under the MIT Licenses