Hello! I'm Valerii, a dedicated Senior Front-End Engineer with a strong background in WEB3. 🛠
I have a deep appreciation for various frontend frameworks, tools, and technologies, with my top picks being:
- TypeScript
- React.js
- Remix.run/Next.js
- Apollo GraphQL/React-Query
- Redux
- Tailwind CSS
- Radix UI/MUI/NextUI
- Vite
- pnpm
- nx
I'm also the proud maintainer of gtm-react-hook. 📊 Based in the vibrant city of Kyiv, Ukraine. 🇺🇦
- Over 5 years of experience in software engineering.
- Co-founder of a startup.
- Passionate about motorbikes.
- Actively involved in volunteer projects.
- Avid olive enthusiast!