My secret management script
This project is not to replace commercial solutions. It is a simple solution to grant some level of security for your personal files and store it in the cloud.
Install Go and configure the $GOPATH
before continue.
git clone $GOPATH/
make build
make install
make clean
mkdir -p ~/vault
Generate a key
vault keygen --key vault.key
sudo chmod 0400 ~/vault/vault.key
Seal a secret
vault box seal --key vault.key --item secrets --in ./plain_in.txt
Unseal a secret
vault box unseal --key vault.key --item secrets --out ./plain_out.txt
Verify the result with
diff ./plain_in.txt ./plain_out.txt
Make all tests
Allow secret replication
Add metadata
Seal/Unseal boxes in a cloud storage
Configure a cloud storage
Allow user key definition
Creates a HTTP server
Creates REST API to seal/unseal
Create a docker for the HTTP server
Create a config file
Search keys in the default directory
Use a default directory for itens of a box