It is an abstract class that implements an agent for reinforcement learning. This class can be extended to create specific agents for different environments.
The constructor accepts the following parameters:
- num_actions: The number of possible actions that the agent can take.
- environment: The environment in which the agent operates, represented as a numpy array.
- fit_each_n_steps: The number of steps after which the agent trains its models.
- exploration_rate: The probability that the agent chooses a random action instead of the optimal action.
- exploration_rate_decay: The decay rate of the exploration rate.
- gamma: The discount factor used in the Q-value update equation.
- cumulative_rewards_max_length: The maximum length of the array that keeps track of cumulative rewards.
- memory_max_length: The maximum length of the agent's memory.
- memory_batch_size: The batch size used for training the models.
- allow_episode_tracking: A boolean flag indicating whether the agent should track episodes.
The BaseAgent class implements the following methods:
- start_episode: Starts a new episode.
- stop_episode: Ends the current episode.
- get_episodes: Returns all recorded episodes.
- reset_episodes: Resets all recorded episodes.
- is_memory_ready: Checks whether the agent's memory is ready for training.
- step: Performs a step of the agent, choosing an action, receiving a reward, and updating the models.
- get_last_cumulative_rewards: Returns the sum of the last cumulative rewards.
In addition, the it takes the following functions to be implemented in subclasses:
- reset_state: Resets the agent's state at the start of a new episode.
- _get_reward: Calculates the reward received by the agent for undertaking an action in a given state.
- _get_model: Returns the model used by the agent to learn the Q-value function.
To use the class, you need to extend it and implement the abstract methods. Here's an example of how this might be done:
class MyAgent(Agent):
def reset_state(self):
# Implementation of state reset
def _get_reward(self, action, environment):
# Implementation of reward calculation
def _get_model(self, state_features):
# Implementation of the model
Once the subclass is defined, you can create an instance of the agent and use it as follows:
agent = MyAgent(num_actions=4, environment=np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]))
for _ in range(100):
BaseAgent is designed to be used with discrete environments and deep learning models. If you wish to use a continuous environment or a different learning model, you may need to make some modifications to the class.