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Frontend challenge.
Objective is to clone this project as close as possible. It is build with React.
Cypress has been used for testing.

Application has been deployed on Netlify and it is available here.

Structure of the project

These are the files that compose the project:

├── package.json
├── package-lock.json
├── .gitignore
├── .eslintrc.json
├── public
|    ├── index.html 
|    ├──img
|    |   └── ...
|    └── ...
├── cypress
|    ├── integration  
|    |    └── ...  
|    ├── support  
|    |    └── ... 
|    └── utils  
|         └── ... 
├── .storybook
|    ├── main.js   
|    └── preview.js   
└── src
    ├── components
    |   └── ...
    ├── constants
    |   └── ...
    ├── hooks
    |   └── ...
    ├── icon
    |   └── ...
    ├── theme
    |   └── ...
    ├── utils
    |   └── ...
    ├── view
    |   ├── Form.js 
    |   ├── Footer
    |   |   └── ...
    |   ├── View
    |   |   ├── ModelsView.js
    |   |   ├── ColorsView.js
    |   |   ├── AccessoriesView.js
    |   |   └── SummaryView.js
    └── index.js

I will briefly describe the main directory into the structure:

  • .storybook It contains the configuration file required for storybook execution
  • cypress Testing folder.
  • public It contains the static file of the application. Static images are stored here.
  • src Core of the project. Details description below.

Into cypress folder we contains test for the project written in Cypress. Main folder here are:

  • integration It stores all the test file (*.spec.js)
  • support Custom cypress commands
  • fixtures Constants used into test files.

Into src folder it is available the core of the project. Here we can found:

  • components Web components used several times across the application
  • constants Constants definition
  • hooks Custom hooks, like calculation of the final price and the proper image url
  • theme Theming of the application. It stores color definition, breakpoints and media query.
  • utils General utils file, like thousands' notation definition
  • view All the different views of the application. It includes the different content of each tab and the footer
  • index.js Entry point of the project


Tested with: node >= 12

How to run

After cloning this repository it can be executed with:

  • npm install
  • npm run start


Storybook has been used during development. It provides an insight of the main components available in this application.
To start storybook run npm run storybook.
It executes all *.stories.js files included into the project.


Cypress has been used to provide a suite of e2e testing. We can run them by npm run test. With this instruction a cypress panel will appear, and it can be used for visual testing. It is also possible to run all tests on command line (for CI purpose) with npm run test:cli. In this scenario tests will be executed on headless browser (Electron).