# index
├── cpp
│ ├── sort
│ │ ├── 147.(链表排序)Insertion Sort List.cpp
│ │ ├── 148.(链表排序)Sort List.cpp
│ │ └── 179.(排序)Largest Number.cpp
│ └── uncategorized
│ ├── 001.(Hash)Two Sum.cpp
│ ├── 002.(加法模拟)Add Two Numbers.cpp
│ ├── 003.(Map,TwoPointers)Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters.cpp
│ ├── 005.(中心扩展法)Longest Palindromic Substring.cpp
│ ├── 006.(找规律)ZigZag Conversion.cpp
│ ├── 007.(大数)Reverse Integer.cpp
│ ├── 008.(字符串处理)String to Integer(atoi).cpp
│ ├── 009.(大数)Palindrome Number.cpp
│ ├── 011.(TwoPointers)Container With Most Water.cpp
│ ├── 012.(水)Integer to Roman.cpp
│ ├── 013.(水)Roman to Integer.cpp
│ ├── 014.(字符串处理)Longest Common Prefix.cpp
│ ├── 015.(TwoPointers)3Sum.cpp
│ ├── 018.(同理15)4Sum.cpp
│ ├── 019.(TwoPointers)Remove Nth Node From End of List.cpp
│ ├── 020.(栈,水)Valid Parentheses.cpp
│ ├── 021.(链表操作)Merge Two Sorted Lists.cpp
│ ├── 022.(dfs)Generate Parentheses.cpp
│ ├── 026.(数组,水)Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array.cpp
│ ├── 027.(数组,水)Remove Element.cpp
│ ├── 028.(字符串处理)Implement strStr().cpp
│ ├── 031.(数组处理)Next Permutation.cpp
│ ├── 033.(二分查找)Search in Rotated Sorted Array.cpp
│ ├── 034.(数组,水)Search for a Range.cpp
│ ├── 039.(dfs,同77)Combination Sum.cpp
│ ├── 040.(dfs,同39)Combination Sum II.cpp
│ ├── 043.(乘法模拟)Multiply Strings.cpp
│ ├── 046.(dfs)Permutations.cpp
│ ├── 047.(dfs,剪枝)Permutations II.cpp
│ ├── 050.(分治法)Pow(x, n).cpp
│ ├── 053.(动规)Maximum Subarray.cpp
│ ├── 054.(矩阵处理)Spiral Matrix.cpp
│ ├── 056.(数组,水)Merge Intervals.cpp
│ ├── 058.(字符串处理)Length of Last Word.cpp
│ ├── 061.(Two Pointers,水)Rotate List.cpp
│ ├── 062.(动规)Unique Paths.cpp
│ ├── 063.(动规)Unique Paths II.cpp
│ ├── 064.(动规)Minimum Path Sum.cpp
│ ├── 066.(加法模拟)Plus One.cpp
│ ├── 067.(加法模拟,水)Add Binary.cpp
│ ├── 070.(动规,水)Climbing Stairs.cpp
│ ├── 073.(数组处理)Set Matrix Zeroes.cpp
│ ├── 074.(数组处理,水)Search a 2D Matrix.cpp
│ ├── 076.(滑动窗口,hash,hard)Minimum Window Substring.cpp
│ ├── 077.(dfs)Combinations.cpp
│ ├── 078.(dfs)Subsets.cpp
│ ├── 080.(数组处理,水)Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II.cpp
│ ├── 081.(二分查找,同33)Search in Rotated Sorted Array II.cpp
│ ├── 082.(链表操作)Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II.cpp
│ ├── 083.(链表操作)Remove Duplicates from Sorted List.cpp
│ ├── 086.(链表操作)Partition List.cpp
│ ├── 088.(水)Merge Sorted Array.cpp
│ ├── 090.(dfs同78)Subsets II.cpp
│ ├── 092.(3指针,链表操作)Reverse Linked List II.cpp
│ ├── 094.(中序遍历)Binary Tree Inorder Traversal.cpp
│ ├── 095(?).(动规)Unique Binary Search Trees II.cpp
│ ├── 096.(动规)Unique Binary Search Trees.cpp
│ ├── 098.(中序)Validate Binary Search Tree.cpp
│ ├── 100.(树递归,水)Same Tree.cpp
│ ├── 101.(树递归)Symmetric Tree.cpp
│ ├── 102.(层次)Binary Tree Level Order Traversal.cpp
│ ├── 103.(层次,水)Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal.cpp
│ ├── 104.(树递归)Maximum Depth of Binary Tree.cpp
│ ├── 105.(递归)Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal.cpp
│ ├── 106.(递归)Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal.cpp
│ ├── 107.(层次,水)Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II.cpp
│ ├── 108.(二分,树递归)Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree.cpp
│ ├── 109.(递归)Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree.cpp
│ ├── 110(?).(树递归|后序)Balanced Binary Tree.cpp
│ ├── 111.(树递归)Minimum Depth of Binary Tree.cpp
│ ├── 112.(dfs)Path Sum.cpp
│ ├── 113.(dfs)Path Sum II.cpp
│ ├── 114.(树转链表)Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List.cpp
│ ├── 118.(数组处理,数学)Pascal's Triangle.cpp
│ ├── 119.(纯数学)Pascal's Triangle II.cpp
│ ├── 121.(动规,水)Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock.cpp
│ ├── 122.(贪心)Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II.cpp
│ ├── 124.(树形动规,dfs)Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum.cpp
│ ├── 125(?).(TwoPointers)Valid Palindrome.cpp
│ ├── 129.(dfs,树递归)Sum Root to Leaf Numbers.cpp
│ ├── 136.(位运算,水)Single Number.cpp
│ ├── 137.(位运算)Single Number II.cpp
│ ├── 141.(追及)Linked List Cycle.cpp
│ ├── 142.(双指针)Linked List Cycle II.cpp
│ ├── 143.(双指针,水)Reorder List.cpp
│ ├── 144.(先序)Binary Tree Preorder Traversal.cpp
│ ├── 145.(后序)Binary Tree Postorder Traversal.cpp
│ ├── 151.(字符串处理,medium)Reverse Words in a String.cpp
│ ├── 152.(动规)Maximum Product Subarray.cpp
│ ├── 153.(二分搜索)Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array.cpp
│ ├── 155.(栈,水)Min Stack.cpp
│ ├── 160.(链表交点)Intersection of Two Linked Lists.cpp
│ ├── 167.(双指针)Two Sum II-Input array is sorted.cpp
│ ├── 168.(进制转换)Excel Sheet Column Title.cpp
│ ├── 169.(分治)Majority Element.cpp
│ ├── 171.(进制转换)Excel Sheet Column Number.cpp
│ ├── 172.(数学)Factorial Trailing Zeroes.cpp
│ ├── 173.(中序,队列)Binary Search Tree Iterator.cpp
│ ├── 174(?).(动规)Dungeon Game.cpp
│ ├── 189.(数组处理)Rotate Array.cpp
│ ├── 190.(位运算)Reverse Bits.cpp
│ ├── 191.(位运算)Number of 1 Bits.cpp
│ ├── 198.(动规)House Robber.cpp
│ ├── 199.(层次遍历)Binary Tree Right Side View.cpp
│ ├── 202(?).(哈希)Happy Number.cpp
│ ├── 203.(链表操作,水)Remove Linked List Elements.cpp
│ ├── 204.(哈希)Count Primes.cpp
│ ├── 205.(映射模拟,Hash)Isomorphic Strings.cpp
│ ├── 206.(链表操作)Reverse Linked List.cpp
│ ├── 209(?).(滑动窗口)Minimum Size Subarray Sum.cpp
│ ├── 213.(动规)House Robber II.cpp
│ ├── 215.(分治,水)Kth Largest Element in an Array.cpp
│ ├── 216.(dfs,同39)Combination Sum III.cpp
│ ├── 217.(哈希,水)Contains Duplicate.cpp
│ ├── 219.(哈希,水)Contains Duplicate II.cpp
│ ├── 220(?).(Multiset)Contains Duplicate III.cpp
│ ├── 222.(树递归)Count Complete Tree Nodes.cpp
│ ├── 226.(树递归,栈)Invert Binary Tree.cpp
│ ├── 230.(中序,水)Kth Smallest Element in a BST.cpp
│ ├── 231.(数学)Power of Two.cpp
│ ├── 232.(栈实现队列)Implement Queue using Stacks.cpp
│ ├── 233.(数学)Number of Digit One.cpp
│ ├── 234.(Two Pointers)Palindrome Linked List
│ ├── 235.Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
│ ├── 236.(R)Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
│ ├── 237.(水)Delete Node in a Linked List
│ ├── 238.(Array,水)Product of Array Except Self
│ ├── 240.(同理74)Search a 2D Matrix II
│ ├── 242.(Hash,水)Valid Anagram
│ ├── 257.(R)Binary Tree Paths
│ ├── 258.(同HappyNumber)Add Digits
│ ├── 263.Ugly Number
│ ├── 264.Ugly Number II
│ ├── 283.(Two Pointers, 水)Move Zeroes
│ ├── 290.(映射模拟,Hash)Word Pattern
│ ├── 292.(Nim)Nim Game
│ ├── 300.(动规)Longest Increasing Subsequence.cpp
│ ├── 319.(Math,Brainteaser)Bulb Switcher
│ ├── 326.Power of Three
│ ├── 328.Odd Even Linked List
│ ├── 338.(Bit)Counting Bits
│ ├── 344.(水)Reverse String
│ ├── 345.(Two Pointers,水)Reverse Vowels of a String
│ ├── 347.(HashMap,大顶堆)Top K Frequent Elements
│ ├── 347.(HashMap,小顶堆)Top K Frequent Elements
│ ├── 349.(Two Pointers)Intersection of Two Arrays
│ ├── 350.(同理349)Intersection of Two Arrays II
│ ├── 383.(Hash,水)Ransom Note
│ ├── 387.(Hash)First Unique Character in a String
│ ├── 392.(字符串处理,水)Is Subsequence
│ ├── 415.(AddSimulation)Add Strings
│ ├── 461.(位运算,水)Hamming Distance
│ ├── 475.(数组,双指针)Heaters
│ ├── 476.(位运算,水)Number Complement
│ ├── 477.(位运算)Total Hamming Distance
│ ├── 482.(字符串处理,水)License Key Formatting
│ ├── 485.(水)Max Consecutive Ones
│ ├── 491.(dfs)Increasing Subsequences
│ ├── 492.(数学)Construct the Rectangle
│ ├── 494.(dfs)Target Sum
│ ├── 495.(题意理解)Teemo Attacking
│ ├── 496.(栈,map)Next Greater Element I
│ ├── 498.(数组处理)Diagonal Traverse
│ ├── 500.(map,水)Keyboard Row
│ ├── 501.(map,水)Find Mode in Binary Search Tree
│ ├── 503.(map,栈)Next Greater Element II
│ ├── 504.(进制转换,水)Base 7
│ ├── 506.(map,水)Relative Ranks
│ ├── 507.(水)Perfect Number
│ ├── 508.(map)Most Frequent Subtree Sum
│ ├── 513.(层次遍历,水)Find Bottom Left Tree Value
│ ├── 515.(层次遍历,水)Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row
│ ├── 516.(动规)Longest Palindromic Subsequence.cpp
│ ├── 520.(水,字符串处理)Detect Capital
│ ├── 521.(水,BrainTest)Longest Uncommon Subsequence I
│ ├── 522.(水)Longest Uncommon Subsequence II
│ ├── 523.(Hash)Continuous Subarray Sum
│ ├── 524.Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting
│ ├── 526.(dfs)Beautiful Arrangement
│ ├── 530.(inorder,水)Minimum Absolute Difference in BST
│ ├── 532.(Map,水)K-diff Pairs in an Array
│ ├── 537.(String)Complex Number Multiplication
│ ├── 538.(R)Convert BST to Greater Tree
│ ├── 539.(String)Minimum Time Difference
│ ├── 541.(String,水)Reverse String II
│ ├── 543.(R,水)Diameter of Binary Tree
│ ├── 551.(String)Student Attendance Record I
│ ├── 552.(Hard,回溯超时,DP)Student Attendance Record II
│ ├── 553.(String,水)Optimal Division
│ ├── 554.(Hash)Brick Wall
│ ├── 556.(同31,Array)Next Greater Element III
│ ├── 557.(string,水)Reverse Words in a String III
│ ├── 560.(Map)Subarray Sum Equals K
│ ├── 561.(Array,水)Array Partition I
│ ├── 563.(水)Binary Tree Tilt
│ ├── 566.(Array)Reshape the Matrix
│ ├── 567.(Hash,SlideWindow)Permutation in String
│ ├── 572.(Tree)Subtree of Another Tree
│ ├── 575.(Array,水)Distribute Candies
│ ├── 581.(Array,TwoPointers)Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray
│ ├── 594.(Hash)Longest Harmonious Subsequence
│ └── 594.(TwoPointers)Longest Harmonious Subsequence
└── golang
├── 005.(中心扩展法)Longest_Palindromic_Substring.go
├── 007.(大数)Reverse_Integer.go
├── 008.(字符串处理)String_to_Integer(atoi).go
├── 009.(大数)Palindrome_Number.go
├── 014.(字符串处理,easy)Longest_Common_Prefix.go
├── 015.(双指针)3_Sum.go
├── 017.(二分)Binary_Seach.go
├── 112.(dfs)Path_Sum.go
├── 113.(dfs)Path_Sum_II.go
├── 151.(字符串处理,medium)Reverse_Words_in_a_String.go
├── 204.(哈希)Count_Primes.go
├── 491.(dfs)Increasing_Subsequences.go
├── 494.(dfs)Target_Sum.go
├── backTracking
│ ├── 022.(Medium)Generate_Parentheses.go
│ ├── 039.(Medium)Combination_Sum.go
│ ├── 040.(Medium)Combination_Sum_II.go
│ ├── 046.(Medium)Permutations.go
│ ├── 047.(Medium,剪枝)Permutations_II.go
│ ├── 077.(Medium)Combinations.go
│ ├── 078.(Medium)Subsets.go
│ └── 090.(Medium)Subsets.II.go
└── twoPointers
├── 026.(Easy)Remove_Duplicates_from_Sorted_Array.go
├── 027.(Easy)Remove_Element.go
└── 167.(Medium)Two_Sum_II_Input_array_is_sorted.go
# generate this index
tree -I golang_demo -I go.mod -I go.sum -I *.md -I *_test.go -I index.md