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Menu Slider

A menu slider that moves the main content to the side and reveals a menu behind it.

alt tag

Demo at

##Hamburger Button How-To The Hamburger Button consists of a wrapper div with three divs within it. The three inner divs represent the horizontal bars. The animation is done using CSS3 transform: translateY, rotate and rotateY, and transition for timing. The click event is done in javascript and adds the 'open' or 'closed' class to the outer 'menu-slider-hamburger' div, which initiates the animation.


<div id="menu-slider-hamburger">
  <div id="top-bar" class="menu-slider-hamburger-bar"></div>
  <div id="middle-bar" class="menu-slider-hamburger-bar"></div>
  <div id="bottom-bar" class="menu-slider-hamburger-bar"></div>

###CSS In the animation, the top bar rotates down 45 degrees and translates down 6 pixels, the middle bar rotates on the y axis (causing it to disappear), and the bottom bar rotates up 45 degrees and translates up 6 pixels.

#menu-slider-hamburger {
  height: 15px;
  width: 20px;

#menu-slider-hamburger:hover {
  cursor: pointer;

#menu-slider-hamburger > .menu-slider-hamburger-bar {
  margin-bottom: 3px;
  height: 3px;
  width: 20px;
  background-color: gray;
  opacity: 0.5;

  -webkit-transition: all 0.6s ease;
     -moz-transition: all 0.6s ease;
      -ms-transition: all 0.6s ease;
       -o-transition: all 0.6s ease;
          transition: all 0.6s ease;
} > #top-bar {
  -webkit-transform: translateY(6px) rotate(45deg);
     -moz-transform: translateY(6px) rotate(45deg);
      -ms-transform: translateY(6px) rotate(45deg);
       -o-transform: translateY(6px) rotate(45deg);
          transform: translateY(6px) rotate(45deg);
} > #middle-bar {
  -webkit-transform: rotateY(90deg);
     -moz-transform: rotateY(90deg);
      -ms-transform: rotateY(90deg);
       -o-transform: rotateY(90deg);
          transform: rotateY(90deg);
} > #bottom-bar {
  -webkit-transform: translateY(-6px) rotate(-45deg);
     -moz-transform: translateY(-6px) rotate(-45deg);
      -ms-transform: translateY(-6px) rotate(-45deg);
       -o-transform: translateY(-6px) rotate(-45deg);
          transform: translateY(-6px) rotate(-45deg);


function animateHamburger() {
  var hamburgerButton = this;
  hamburgerButton.className = hamburgerButton.classList.contains('open') ? 'closed':'open';

var hamburgerButton = document.getElementById('menu-slider-hamburger');
hamburgerButton.addEventListener('click', animateHamburger, false);

##Menu Slider How-To The Menu Slider consists of two main divs, including one that wraps the menu and one that wraps the content. Within the menu wrapper is a <ul> 'menu' with several <li> menu items. This list is styled in the CSS to look like tabs. Both divs are set to 'position: absolute' in the CSS so that the main-content can sit over top of the menu and slide away when the menu button is clicked (You will need to add some sort of menu button to the HTML and give it an event listener in the javascript to call slideMenu()). ###HTML

<div id="menu-wrapper" class="closed">
  <ul id="menu">
    <li class="selected"><a href="#">First Item</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Second Item</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Third Item</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Fourth Item</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Fifth Item</a></li>
<div id="main-content" class="closed">
 <h1>Main Content</h1>


#menu-wrapper {
  background: gray;

#menu {
  list-style-type: none;
  padding: 0 30px 0 0;

#menu li {
  border-bottom: 1px solid darkgray;

#menu li.selected {
  background-color: rgb(171, 171, 171);

#menu > li > a {
  display: block;

  padding: 10px 60px 10px 10px;

  text-decoration: none;
  color: white;

#main-content {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  height: 100%;
  width: auto;

  padding: 10px 10px 0 10px;

  background-color: white;

  box-shadow: -6px 0px 10px 1px #646464;

  /* Use translateZ(0) to prepare GPU for animation */
  -webkit-transform: -webkit-translateZ(0);
     -moz-transform: -moz-translateZ(0);
      -ms-transform: -ms-translateZ(0);
       -o-transform: -o-translateZ(0);
          transform: translateZ(0);

  -webkit-transition: all 0.6s cubic-bezier(0,1,.41,1);
     -moz-transition: all 0.6s cubic-bezier(0,1,.41,1);
      -ms-transition: all 0.6s cubic-bezier(0,1,.41,1);
       -o-transition: all 0.6s cubic-bezier(0,1,.41,1);
          transition: all 0.6s cubic-bezier(0,1,.41,1);
} {
  -webkit-transform: -webkit-translateX(150px);
     -moz-transform: -moz-translateX(150px);
      -ms-transform: -ms-translateX(150px);
       -o-transform: -o-translateX(150px);
          transform: translateX(150px);

#menu-slider-hamburger {
  height: 15px;
  width: 20px;

#menu-slider-hamburger:hover {
  cursor: pointer;


function slideMenu() {
  var mainContent = document.getElementById('main-content');
  var menuWrapper = document.getElementById('menu-wrapper');

  menuWrapper.className = menuWrapper.classList.contains('open') ? 'closed':'open';
  mainContent.className = mainContent.classList.contains('open') ? 'closed':'open';

function selectMenuItem() {
  var selectedMenuItem = this;

  selectedMenuItem.className = 'selected';

  var menu = document.getElementById('menu');
  var menuItems = menu.children;
  for (var i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) {
    if (menuItems[i] != this) {
      menuItems[i].className = '';

var menu = document.getElementById('menu');
var menuItems = menu.children;

for (var i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) {
  menuItems[i].addEventListener('click', selectMenuItem, false);

##License MIT take what you want and give some back if you feel like it

##Sources used during development

Hamburger button inspired by Tumblr, Facebook Paper, Apple and other websites with similar animations.