- ✨ My name is Mariah
- 🖥 I'm a Full Stack Software Engineer
- 🙋♀️ I use she/her pronouns
- 🏔 I enjoy hiking and paddle-boarding
- 🌱 I'm currently learning how to build a backend using postgres/express
- 👯♀️ I'm looking to collaborate on apps with a focus on user friendliness
- 🤠 Fun fact: I like to do country dancing and west coast swing
- 📫 Email me at: mariahschock@gmail.com
- Languages: JavaScript, HTML/CSS
- Front-End: React
- Back-End: Node.js, Express
- Databases: PostgreSQL, Supabase
- Tools: VScode, Postman, Beekeeper, Netlify, Heroku, Github, Git, Miro, Slack
- Testing Suites: Jest, Q-Unit, React
- Skills: TDD, Remote Collaboration, Pair/Mob Programming