A parallel demonstration for computing Pi digits in C and Perl using the fast Chudnovsky algorithm. C code embeds OpenMP directives to consume many cores. Perl scripts pi-hobo.pl
and pi-thrs.pl
use MCE::Hobo and threads respectively, and pthreads for 2nd-level workers.
pi-gmp.exe C executable using OpenMP and GMP
pi-hobo.pl Perl script using Inline::C and MCE::Hobo
pi-mpir.exe C executable using OpenMP and MPIR
pi-thrs.pl Perl script using Inline::C and threads
Perl modules Inline, Inline::C, MCE, MCE::Shared, and
Makefile For building pi-gmp.exe and pi-mpir.exe
extra/ Parallel recursion support for mpn_get_str
perl-chudnovsky.c Code used by Perl via Inline::C
pgmp-chudnovsky.c Code containing main and OpenMP directives
pgmp-chudnovsky.h Common code for perl/pgmp-chudnovsky.c
typemap Typemap configuration used by Inline::C
util.h Inp & out functions supporting large data
E.g. mpf/mpz_inp_raw, mpf/mpz_out_raw
On Microsoft Windows, use 64-bit Cygwin to not have
limitations. Select gcc-core
, gcc-g++
, libcrypt-devel
, m4
, make
, and yasm
during installation.
- A C compiler, gmake or make, and m4. Yasm is required to build MPIR.
- GMP 6.2.1 or later
- MPIR 3.0.0
- YASM 1.3.0
The following modules ship with Perl typically.
Strawberry Perl users may skip this step as GMP is included. By default,
make install
will install files in /usr/local
. You can specify an
installation prefix other than /usr/local
using --prefix
for instance --prefix=$HOME
cd gmp-6.2.1
./configure --disable-static --enable-shared --enable-cxx
make -j 4
make check
sudo make install
The yasm
package by the OS vendor is fine if 1.2.0 or later.
cd yasm-1.3.0
make -j 4
sudo make install
MPIR may provide better performance on Microsoft Windows.
cd mpir-3.0.0
./configure --disable-static --enable-shared --enable-cxx
make -j 4
make check
sudo make install
Library selection is possible via CFLAGS
. The default builds against GMP.
Please use gmake when available.
Machines with 128 GiB: CFLAGS="-O2 -DUSE_GMP -DBIG_SIEVE=1"
Strawberry Perl < v5.26 dmake
Strawberry Perl >= v5.26 gmake
Cygwin make CFLAGS="-O2 -DUSE_MPIR"
FreeBSD gmake CC=clang CFLAGS="..."
Linux make
Mac OS X make
Solaris gmake note: src/extra supports GMP only on SPARC machines
Other OS make
Make without a target builds Inline C objects for Perl scripts residing in
. The C objects are stored in ../.Inline/
cd Chudnovsky-Pi-master/src
make CFLAGS="-O2 -DBIG_SIEVE=0 -DUSE_GMP" # default on all OS'es
make CFLAGS="-O2 -DBIG_SIEVE=0 -DUSE_MPIR" # preferred on Cygwin
make pi-gmp # builds the binary executable using GMP
make pi-mpir # builds the binary executable using MPIR
The usage is similar for pi-gmp.exe
, pi-mpir.exe
, and pi-thrs.pl
perl pi-hobo.pl <digits> [ <option> <threads> ]
<digits> digits of Pi to output
<option> 0 - just run (default)
1 - output digits only
2 - output digits (2 columns)
3 - output digits (3 columns)
N - output digits (N columns, max 14)
<threads> number of threads (default 1)
specify 'auto' to run on all cores
perl pi-hobo.pl 10000000 1 auto | md5sum
bc3234ae2e3f6ec7737f037b375eabec -
perl pi-hobo.pl 100000000 1 auto | md5sum
969bfe295b67da45b68086eb05a8b031 -
perl pi-hobo.pl 100000000 5 auto > pi.txt
The following limitations apply to 32-bit OS'es and Strawberry Perl.
- Maximum 16 threads on Windows, excluding Cygwin
- 120 million digits for 32-bit binaries, all OS'es
- 640 million digits for 64-bit Strawberry Perl
To compute more than 640 million digits on Microsoft Windows, install
64-bit Cygwin. I tested 1 and 2 billion digits,
limited by available memory. In Cygwin, mutex locking using threads is
noticeably slower compared to Unix during mpz/mpf_init for temporary
variables by GMP/MPIR. Run pi-hobo.pl
instead for best performance.
# on Cygwin
perl pi-hobo.pl 1000000000 1 8 | md5sum
3901670f41a84174103bd6a8f07651c0 *-
perl pi-hobo.pl 2000000000 1 8 | md5sum
dcf466792a8958becbb05b74b983d8b1 *-
The code is derived from examples on the web.
- https://gmplib.org/list-archives/gmp-discuss/2008-November/003444.html
- https://gmplib.org/download/misc/gmp-chudnovsky.c
See also programs for Raspberry Pi by David Carver.