A collection of classes for painless consuming of various GSIS SOAP services.
for requesting VAT information
for getting the compliance status for Article 39a (Άρθρο 39α)
- Minumum PHP 7.4
- Requires the SOAP extension to be already installed
- Ιnstall Composer.
- Then install using the following command:
composer require marios88/php-gsis
You are required register with Gsis before using most of their services.
Note that 39a and Vat details require different credentials ( how to create them (Greek) )
use Gsis\VatDetails;
use Gsis\a39;
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
$gsis = new a39('myusername1','mypassword1','myafm1');
$gsis = new VatDetails('myusername2','mypassword2','myafm1');
- 0.2.0
- PHP 7.4
- Allow setting proxy
- 0.1.0
- Initial Release
This was insipired by the work of dspinellis/greek-vat-data
Gsis 39a Service
Gsis 39a Service Developer Manual (in greek)