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4. Output

Marit Hetland edited this page Feb 16, 2021 · 3 revisions

The pipeline produces two main outputs:

  • a report <run_name>_report.txt which contains QC_status, pangolin lineage, nextclade strain, specific mutations and other QC data.
  • In the directory 003_consensusFasta, the consensus.fasta files will be placed both separately and as one multi-fasta file, which can be used for downstream analysis, such as tree visualisation in or for upload to GISAID (provided they have passed QC).

Run report

The report is structured as follows:

  1. Columns 1-7 shows a summary of the most interesting data from the three reports in 2-3:
  2. Column 7-17 shows the full report from the QC
  3. Columns 18-23 shows the full output report from pangolin
  4. Columns 24- shows the full output report from nextclade

Output folder details

The output will be stored with the following structure:

  • 001_rawData/
    • fast5_pass/
    • fastq_pass/
  • 002_articPipeline/
    • articGuppyPlex/
    • articMinIONNanopolish/
    • qc_pass_climb_upload/
    • qc_plots/
    • <run_name>.qc.csv
  • 003_consensusFasta/
    • one <run_name>_<barcode[0-9][0-9]>.consensus.fasta file for each barcode
    • one <run_name>_sequences.fasta file containing all of the QC passed consensus.fasta files
  • 004_pangolin/
    • lineage_report.csv
  • 005_nextclade/
    • <run_name>_sequences.fasta_nextclade.csv
  • <run_name>_report.txt
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