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Chef Morris Blog

Blog for Chef Morris Danzen


  • Recipes page header title
  • Implement dynamic header images
  • Limit loading of data


  • UI issues regarding the multiple items display
  • Null youtube video


  • Changed Gallery Page Header


  • Home Page
    • Website banners and announcements
    • Mini about me
    • Recipe of the month promotion
    • Top recipes' list
    • Recommended Youtube Vlogs
  • About Me Page
    • About Chef Morris Danzen
    • Chef Morris Danzen Vision and Mission
  • Recipe Gallery Page
    • Contains the images added to the gallery.
  • Recipes Page
    • Chef Morris Danzen's Recipes
  • Recipe Timeline
    • Timeline view of Chef Morris Danzen's Recipes
  • Contact Me
    • Contact page for Chef Morris Danzen

Additional Features

  • Recipe search
  • Google Adsense
  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Page Messenger Chat


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