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Frontend Mentor - Order summary card

This is a solution to the Order summary card challenge on Frontend Mentor.

Frontend Mentor challenges helps improve skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents:


The challenge:

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover states for interactive elements
  • Get it looking as close to the design as possible.

Preview of initial design: Design preview for the Order summary card coding challenge


Fullscreen View (Desktop)
Animated Preview (Not sure if this is 100% accurate due to height limit of screen)

**Note: This is a Mobile-First Approach & Wait for the GIF to load **

All viewports were included (except for the 4k view), in case the observer wishes to see the minor changes.

Desktop View (1440px) Laptop View (1024px) Tablet View (768px)
Mobile L (425px) Mobile M (iPhone SE) (375px) Mobile Small (320px)


My process:

Built with:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Mobile-First Approach

What I learned:

Recap over some of the major learnings while working through this project:

General things I've learned:

  • Basic review of HTML & CSS
  • CSS Flex Layout (I'm comfortable utilzing it)
    • Finished it much faster than older projects using flex + few adjustment in spacing
  • Make more use of css variables to make the code more readable & clean
  • Make use of dynamic class that has same style to avoid redundancy

New things I've found/learned better:

  • Reconsider using pixels (px) in size that doesn't need much adjustment.
  • Avoid overusing of vh & vw, as it can cause problems in other devices.

This code snippets/function, is what I'm proud to figure out:

  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  flex-direction: column;

/***** Main Container*****/
  max-width: 290px; 

  height: fit-content;
  padding-bottom: 2rem;

Continued development:

Here are a few possible areas that could be added or improved in the HTML and CSS code provided:

  1. Accessibility: - It could be more accessible to users with disabilities.
  2. Responsiveness: - Using responsive design techniques and media queries for different screen sizes and devices.
  3. Browser Compatibility: - Not all browsers support the same features and rendering of web pages from the CSS styles I used.
  4. Cleaner Maintainable Code - I'm not quite sure about this one, but I'm sure there is a much better/cleaner approach to do what I did.



  • I would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication I put into creating this website.
  • I am grateful for my friends and those who motivate me to push through and not settle for relaxation.
  • I hope that this website serves its intended purpose. Thank you!

Feedback & Suggestions:

Community Feedback:

  • Vanza Setia • 24,595 (@vanzasetia)

    • For the card (main.ctn-main), I don't see any issue.

      • You have set a max-width to it to prevent it from getting too large.
      • But, you don't need to set height: fit-content since it does not give any effect.
    • For the HTML markup:

      • There is no need to wrap the <a> tags and the image with <div> elements.
      • Keep the HTML markup as simple as possible.
    • Also, I recommend using <div> instead of <section> tags:

Next Action (Soon):

  • Implement changes from community feedback

    • Remove height: fit-content
      • Since it does not give any effect.
    • Modify HTML, remove unnecessary divs, sections & tags
      • Keep the HTML markup as simple as possible.
    • Replace <section> (Don't overuse section if it doesn't have meaning)
  • Add some Javascript Functionalities

  • Create my own modified version of this project.

  • TBA...


  • I would be happy to receive comments, criticism, and such that could improve the website:
    • Cleaner Code
    • Better Practice/Approach to making this website.
  • Feel free to approach and contact me :>
    • Feb, 14 2023 (Wireframing & Initial Plan) + (Initial Coding)
    • Feb, 17 2023 Stopped for few days (Continue Coding + Finalize Styles)
    • Feb, 18 2023 (Documentation)
    • Updated Feb 25, 2023