This is a small app used to demonstrate how to build a multi-staged data processing pipeline with Elixir using the official Broadway Kafka library. The write up lives here
In my dev environment, I took the quick setup route and used asdf-kafka
for my local setup. The first section's commands are specific to an asdf
install - adjust the commands to suit your setup.
After installing kafka:
- in a new terminal, start
→ $
zookeeper-server-start $(asdf where kafka)/config/
- in a separate terminal, start the Kafka server
→ $
kafka-server-start $(asdf where kafka)/config/
- create our Kafka topic
→ $
kafka-topics --create --topic spc-data --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
- clone the project,
into root and seed dummy equipment in the application db
→ $
mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
- Add dummy SPC event data the the Kafka topic from the script
→ $
mix run --no-halt priv/publish_sample_spc_data.exs
- Or, you can add data manually by starting up an
repl. ...passing the--dbg
flag(optional) used when debugging withdbg()
→ $
iex --dbg pry -S mix
→ and add data the the Kafka topic with:brod
, example# first, check that there are equipment records from seeding the db iex> Repo.aggregate(Equipment, :count, :id) # 1000 # then, simulate data being streamed to the Kafka topic iex> :ok = :brod.start_client([localhost: 9092], :kafka_client, _client_config=[]) iex> :ok = :brod.start_producer(:kafka_client, "spc-data", _producer_config = []) iex> Enum.each(1..1000, fn i -> spc_data = "#{i}, #{:rand.uniform() * 10 |> Float.round(2)}, #{:rand.uniform() * 10 |> Float.round(2)}, #{:rand.uniform() * 10 |> Float.round(2)}, #{:rand.uniform() * 10 |> Float.round(2)}, #{:rand.uniform() * 10 |> Float.round(2)}, #{:rand.uniform() * 10 |> Float.round(2)}" :ok = :brod.produce_sync(:kafka_client, "spc-data", 0, _key="", spc_data) end)
- Finally, check the data in
→ If all the streamed data successfully persisted into the application's database, you should have
SPC data points in thereadings
table# count the readings table iex> Repo.aggregate(Reading, :count, :id) # 6000 # check a random piece of equipment iex> StandardDeviation.equipment_stats(300) #=> SPC Results for Equipment # 300: #=> → mean: 5.0249999999999995 #=> → standard deviation: 2.632975186615577
The video below is a ~2min run-thru of how to add dummy spc data the Kafka topic and the query the db for spc data results