This project is a data mining exploration of the signals modulated by the ECM (Extracellular Matrix) proteins in the two MEMA (Microenvironment Microarray) HMEC cell line datasets from Oregon Health and Science University's MEP-LINCS project!Synapse:syn2862345/wiki/394513.
There are eight replicate MEMAs in each cell line dataset, each in a different plate. Each MEMA contains 694 spots that are a combination of collagen 1 (COL1) and one of forty seven ECM proteins or COL1 only. The 99 COL1-only spots are positioned across the entire MEMA. The other proteins are randomly distributed with ~thirteen replicate spots each.
All eight plates of a cell line were processed as a batch.
This analysis is based on immunofluorescent cell-level data that has been summarized to the spot and ECM protein levels.