Note that the nodejs
package on PyPI has been passed on to another user that is actively bundling node binaries. See for more information.
If you want to use the legacy version of this package, you can install it with pip install nodejs==0.1.1
or pin it to nodejs==0.1.1
in your requirements.txt.
Python bindings and utils for Node.js and io.js.
from nodejs.bindings import node_run
stderr, stdout = node_run('/path/to/some/file.js', '--some-argument')
pip install nodejs==0.1.1
Invokes Node with the arguments provided and return the resulting stderr and stdout.
from nodejs.bindings import node_run
stderr, stdout = node_run('/path/to/some/file.js', '--some-argument')
Raises an exception if node is not installed.
Raises an exception if the installed version of node is less than the version required.
: a tuple containing the minimum version required.
from nodejs.bindings import ensure_node_version_gte
ensure_node_version_gte((0, 10, 0,))
A boolean indicating if Node is installed.
A tuple containing the version of Node installed. For example, (0, 10, 33)
A string containing the raw version returned from Node. For example, 'v0.10.33'
mkvirtualenv python-nodejs
pip install -r requirements.txt