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Flump Checklist for animators

Mark Knol edited this page Apr 19, 2016 · 3 revisions


  • In Flash, every animation (timeline) needs to be a library-symbol with Actionscript base class flash.display.MovieClip.
  • Every symbol element in the animation, should have the base class flash.display.Sprite.

Sprites will end up in the spritesheet/atlas/texture, timelines will be stored in a JSON file.


  • Don't use assets larger than 1024x1024;
  • Don't use shape tweens;
  • Don't use masks;
  • Don't use blendmodes or tinting;
  • Keep your assets optimized. If you're using images that are larger than the visible area trim them before importing. You may also use 'break apart' to use segments of a larger image;
  • Keep scale of sprites in scale of how you use them;
  • Images that are diagonal in shape should be rotated back to 0 or 90 degrees, imported in Flash and then rotated back on the timeline, this will take less texture space;
  • An animation cannot end with nested movieclip animation on stage. Flump will stop the main timeline, but keep playing the nested movieclips. So make sure the last frame of an animation is essentially a still image;
  • All images should be set to lossless in Flash. Don't use JPEG compression;
  • MovieClips used as a 'graphic' on the timeline will be converted back to a MovieClip in Flump. What this means is that you can't rely on using any specific graphic functionality, like playing only once, or using a different start frame number than 1;
  • Make sure all used animations/assets are exported as MovieClips or Sprites. Make sure they have 'export in frame 1' enabled;
  • Keep use of transparent layers to a minimum;

More important, always test these things:

  • Test the animations in the flump tool
  • Check if the generated texture isn't too large
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